Sibo replied to the topic A reply to the SMH Article on Wrapper in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 12 months ago
I agree. I think when the media wields the power it does, any knowingly-made distortion of the truth, especially when it concerns someones public reputation, should be cause for legal action.
Kind Regards,
Build Your Online Business with Mach-90 replied to the topic MAKING MONEY vs MORALS in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago
Not wanting to as aussierogue put it, “start a religious argument”, but I feel I should make a quick defence of christ’s teachings.
(i) The crusades, not to mention the spanish inquistion, were indeed terrible, but what is noteworthy is that they blatantly betrayed the highest teaching of christ ‘love thy neighbour’. This is in contrast to what…[Read more]Sibo replied to the topic InCoMe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago
(1) mutual funds
(ii) shares
(iii) rewards program that pays cash aswell as rewards points
(iv) thinking of business ideasRegards,
SiSibo replied to the topic MAKING MONEY vs MORALS in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago
I can’t see any reason why bidding against them and winning the house is in any way immoral. The system is, (and it’s a fair system), that whoever is willing to pay the most for a house at auction gets the house. It makes no difference if this is your 50th house and you have millions, or the opposite. I think one of the assumptions here is that…[Read more]
Sibo replied to the topic Do you have written goals? in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago
I really liked that reply. I think you summed it up pretty well – either we decide our influences or they will be decided for us. I think similar ideas can be related to culture -either we decide what is desirable for our culture or we let it fall to the advertising companies and others of the like.Regards,
SiSibo replied to the topic How to YOU Do It?? in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
I think Russ’s point Anubis was that high yield properties are usually cheaper and thus cheaper properties, on average, may give a higher cashflow per dollar of capital spent.
SiSibo replied to the topic Do you have written goals? in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
I really believe in the power of goals. Having firm, specific, detailed goals doesn’t mean a stress filled, busy life. For me it means an extra level of happiness because I know why I do everything I do, where it’s taking me and every day feels like a success because it is one step in the direction of what I want to achieve. Aside from…[Read more]
Sibo replied to the topic Apologies for not answering emails. in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
Hope things are looking better for you now bear.
SiSibo replied to the topic One Property in NZ in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
And where in NZ Mike?
SiSibo replied to the topic Positively geared property in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
What province are we talking in Mike?
SiSibo replied to the topic Motivational Tools in the forum No Subject 20 years, 8 months ago
Thats right Geo but I believe its some of the best money Ive ever spent.
SiSibo replied to the topic Property Inspections in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
Misty – you’re a genius. Many thanks!
SiSibo replied to the topic Canberra property investors in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
Im sure the internet would reveal your local property investors group tinkerbell.
SiSibo replied to the topic Which is best…equity or cash??? in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
Sorry for that previous botched quote. I agree with RussH regards asset definition. If it costs you money its a liability. That way, accruing assets means becoming more financially secure. A person with a moderate income and running ten cars may not be secure due to enourmous maintenance costs. this definition makes assets a desirable thing…[Read more]
Sibo replied to the topic Which is best…equity or cash??? in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
Originally posted by sizzling_duck:
Originally posted by RussH:
Land is not an asset but a liability.If something costs you money and has no return then it isa liability.
Sell the land and invest the nmoney on a +cf property.
An asset is something that makes you money.i.e a cash flow + property.
RussAn asset is anything you own, regardless of…[Read more]
Sibo replied to the topic Which is best…equity or cash??? in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
I agree with russh – if its not making money its a burden. however if selling would lose more money than mortgaging, mortgage but be sure to buy a positive IP that will fully pay the costs of ownership.
SiSibo replied to the topic Stuck in a rut…HELP! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 8 months ago
Hi screamin,
I recommend Anthony Robbins material for any kind of motivational use. It is not a quick fix but it has invaluable advice that will facilitate u finding a solution.Regards,
SiSibo replied to the topic Checklist required in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 8 months ago
What sort of content did it have Dram?
SiSibo replied to the topic Spotter’s Fees in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
I agree. I think NZ is prime investing. No capital gains. A culture firmly in love with property. No stamp tax. Other favourable tax breaks for property.
SiSibo replied to the topic Implications for non-resident buying property in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years, 8 months ago
?damn straight?
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