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  • Profile photo of siacci

    Used this guy once in SE Melbourne. Found him genuine and the depreciation schedule was much better than I anticipated on a 25yr old home.

    Gledhill N H Quantity Surveyor & Building Consultant
    2 Jamboree Ave Frankston VIC 3199
    ph: (03) 9781 1253 Quantity Surveyors

    Profile photo of siacci

    Loved all of Roberts books. Start at Rich Dad Poor Dad though as this underpins his entire way of thinking. I love reading.

    Sorry cant comment on the trust things, haven’t got them.


    Profile photo of siacci

    We feel education is very important. I read loads of books, listen to tapes and cd’s from lots of different people. I have attended Dolf De Roos wekend in Sydney, Ricks wrap camp in Brisbane, and John Prattlets Rich Talk Poor Talk in Sydney. Attended quite a few of the so called teaser evenings and enjoyed every one of them. All money well spent.

    Nothing has particularly inspired us to want to go to Steves seminar over another but if I learn just one thing that I can use to improve the way I do things then it will be worth every cent. Just to attend a seminar by a person who had the drive to achieve so much in such a short time will be good on its own. But it also comes down to meeting people who do what you do. You are not alone out there, so why not meet where the like minded meet.


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    This sat in melbourne. found out about it in one the recent newsletters.


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    We have been experiencing quite a lot of dry weather in the past few years and this will cause many shrinkkage problems in high clay content soils. If the area around it is very dry open ground but there is a larger area abutting the biulding or very close to it covered with concrete or a well maintained garden there will moisture differentials in the ground. This differential will cause one side of the affected ground area to be much smaller due to shrinkage than the other. As the open area will dry more and more the footing will flex to a great degree but the effect on the brickwork is exagertated by the wall height. E.G. 1mm movement in a strip footing over 3m or so is not much but at the top of the 2.4m may be as much as 10mm or more. The previous post about adding expansion joints is spot on. Get an engineer to tell you where to put it if building is not your strong point. It should only cost about 75 to 100 bucks to get someone to cut the expansion joint in.
    If the house is on a slab then get a hold of the original developers plan if you can and check the level of fill the place is sitting on. A lot of housing is built on huge areas of fill and in the settling process a house can be very stressed. Usually after a few years this settlig will hold and no new cracks would appear and existing ones would not deteriorate. Check the internal walls for patching around doors and window in the affected area. Check the adjoining homes for signs of cracking and ask the neighbours about their homes and if they know anything about the one you want to buy. I would not be afraid of the crack but would get an engineer to look at it. If this house is brand new walk away. My 2cents, sorry its long winded.


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    Julie and I are going too.


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    This is a very difficult situation but from my experience you are stuck with them until they decide to go. Took 3 months last time it happened to me, Sorry. The bleeding hearts make the laws here in Vic no logic allowed. You could , if you were really desperate offer them some renumeration for moving. Offer to pay them once they are out and the house is cleaned up. Goes against the grain but your situation is more important than a few hundred bucks. Do all this through the agent DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF. The bleeding heart tribunal will not like it one bit. They will see it as coercion or something like that.


    Profile photo of siacci

    About 5 years ago a friend of mine started buying house in Horsham (NE Vic) 7 hours from his home. We Melbournians thought he was mad. All his properties were cashflow positive from day one and he has achieved good growth too. He was doing so well at one stage that he thought he had better buy some negetive geared properties too. I suggested that if his plan was working why change it. I am now the poor cousin and he is doing what he knows best and doing well for it. Negetive gearing is ok if you can afford it but it limits your advance in so many ways.


    Profile photo of siacci
    Ihad used this for my rentals before I wrapped them all Quite a good bit of software.


    Profile photo of siacci

    Cranbourne has great potential that will never be realized. When the councils amalgamated the focus shifted from Cranbourne (was the centre of the shire) to Berwick and Fountain Gate. The new pool at Fountain Gate was originally proposed for Cranbourne, the geographical centre of Casey but the council said Fountain Gate of take a hike. Target wanted to add a second story to the shopping complex and was told no, so they went to Pakenham. The berwick Nrre Warren area is neatly mowed and well tended. Go to Cranbourne and you will see it is neglected at the expense of Fountain Gate an Berwick. I still have 3 IPs in Cranbourne, but have sold the other 3. I thought once as you are but I am dissapointed.


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    Harvard are just Barry Plant Doherty dressed up. They are real estate agents ,thats all. They Will do everything for you but the prices were high, projections questionable and fees scary. They tried to talk me into a couple of IPs once and were evasive about a lot of nagging little things. Steve mentions such people in his book as the ones flogging over priced capital gain scenarios. I went there over 4 years ago and walked away. They tried to sell me a unit in Werribee at the time for $175000. A big push to sign sign sign. I rang an agent over there and I could have bought a brand new 4 bedder for less. The unit prices were considerably lower. The rental guarantee is simply landlords insurance you pay for anyway. The commission for rental was 11% at the sme time I was paying 6-7% to my agents in Cranbourne. As I said, if you want someone to do it all for you then ok, but you will pay for it. Do your homework before you sign.

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