shmikka replied to the topic Seminar – Mark Rolton in the forum <Moderator: Delete 14 years, 3 months ago
><Moderator: Delete abuse>I'm not interested in what sort of relationship Mark, has with his Lawyer, or anyone else. I only go by how i find people, so far not as hard to get along with as you appear to be? I only enlightened people in this forum who have asked questions about RP Data, or appear confused about Massland. It appears that wha…[Read more]
shmikka replied to the topic Seminar – Mark Rolton in the forum Hi Everyone,
I only 14 years, 3 months agoHi Everyone, I only discovered this website forum today after i was sent an email this afternoon from a super cautious friend, after i got her to listen to a DVD, offered free from Mark's, Property Options website. She had copy and pasted a long comment by someone from this website in negativity about Mark. I joined Massland, back in Marc…[Read more]