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Shell H

  • Shell H replied to the topic Shared driveway battleaxe block (victoria) – strata? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago

    Hi Richard,

    A very late ‘thank you’ to your answer on this! Been a bit slack on the forum and had my head in work too much – I’ve been doing too much wine business & not enough property business of late!

    I’m glad I stuck with my guns and took out the common insurance – which nice dentally is nearly as much as the insurance of the building…[Read more]

  • Shell H replied to the topic Passive income success stories in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Congratulations Johann,  what a great achievement.  Inspiring the rest of us to keep working on reaching our goals too!


  • Thanks for taking the time for me Derek, i really appreciate it.

    & yes helps heaps – between you & Dianna, you have both help me refocus and move forward.

    Have a great day!

  • Thanks for the reply Dianna,

    Yes we have been thinking about what both you & Derek said and have decided that we are on a good thing with the method we usually use & that is why we can always sleep at night & aren't scrounging for money to pay the repairs & general expenses that you get to enjoy with investment properties!!    So we have…[Read more]

  • Hi Derek, sorry I mustn't have explained that properly.  I meant all our other 4 investments are pretty good returns (well we are happy with them anyway :) they aren't like mining town returns) our last one was a 5 year old house, tenanted at $270 pwk paid $207k for it so around  6.8% and depreciation should help too.  So the ones we have are all…[Read more]

  • Thanks Rob, that is exactly where we are coming from to get it cleaned up before we can even show tenants is going to cost us money – not their problem I know, but we have to take it into the equation with the purchase price.

  • Ha! I love it Joe!  But yeah I can't see what the issue is if it is all done through the solicitors.

  • Shell H replied to the topic In need of a mortgage broker in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Ouch! That is very high.  You won't know what to do with your surplus cash  each month when you refinance!

  • Shell H replied to the topic Dymphna Boholt Growth and cashflow in the forum Heads Up! 12 years ago

    After a google search or two on Dymphna I found myself a little skeptical of her.  She certainly doesn't get a great wrap online.

    I have friends that went to her seminar in Brisbane Saturday last week.  they said they got heaps of really helpful information during the seminar.  So even if you came away with a snippit of info it may be worth…[Read more]

  • Shell H replied to the topic Analysis paralysis in the forum Yay! Officially broken 12 years ago

    Yay! Officially broken through the dreaded analysis paralysis and purchased IP number 4 today!!  

    Thanks to everyone's help whipping me out of the ongoing analysis cycle.  As suggested we revisited our goals, put them front and centre for us to see everyday & are back on our track again.

    Have a great week!!

  • Just read the API article Jac and Richard.  Nice work guys – very motivating and inspiring !   Nice work!

  • I cannot recommend anyone to you as not familiar with Orange.  But it sounds like that for anyone heading into the market up there needs to steer well clear of McCormack & Barber and Peter Mitchell.  

    Like Joe, I cannot believe that they didn't tell you that the property was vacant!!  Have they been advertising the property and attempting to find…[Read more]

  • Shell H replied to the topic Change of plans in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago


    You've been given heaps of great advice here from everyone, esp JacM's post.

    Congratulations on getting started so young!  Most people your age are not at all in the investing mindset, so with many years in front of you, you are leaps and bounds in front already.  

    Good luck on your journey!


  • Shell H replied to the topic Change of plans in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago


    You've been given heaps of great advice here from everyone, esp JacM's post.

    Congratulations on getting started so young!  Most people your age are not at all in the investing mindset, so with many years in front of you, you are leaps and bounds in front already.  

    Good luck on your journey!


  • Shell H replied to the topic Walking away from 3rd IP in the forum General Property 12 years ago


    Congratulations on what sounds like a lucky escape!

  • Shell H replied to the topic Sight unseen purchases in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Thanks Jamie, yeah I can just imagine an agent telling me there is  a property just around the corner that is much better value – and just happens to be listed with him!

    Noted on the newer property and value increases not necessarily being superior.    I guess the main reason we are looking at those is depreciation and of course…[Read more]

  • Shell H replied to the topic Sight unseen purchases in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Good point Richard.

    In trying to eliminate this problem, we've been looking at relatively new properties, with tenants already in place and looking at recent sale prices of comparable properties.

    Would you recommend getting the opinion of another agent, or even obtaining a valuation of the property before making a purchase? or would this just be…[Read more]

  • Shell H replied to the topic Sight unseen purchases in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Thanks for the reply Dark Knight – I agree about the building inspector knowing what he is doing and me not !

    And as for street view  –  yep thank goodness for google maps yes

  • Shell H replied to the topic Finance Broker in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    I second that!  

    Richard is a bit of a 'financial superhero' as far as my husband & I am concerned!  

    He has helped us out so much & we are Melbourne based, so the fact that you are in Sydney & he is in Brisbane doesn't matter.

    Good luck.

  • I have to agree with Joe – lazy real estate agents, who won’t return calls or follow up. There are a few great ones out there, but they seem to be few and far between !

    Good luck with your new venture Johann !


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Shell H