Shehan Tambi replied to the topic Free Melbourne meet up. Only 5 spots left in the forum Heads Up! 3 days ago
Hi everyone – we are officially SOLD OUT for our Real Estate Round Table event this Saturday, March 15th, at the IBIS Hotel in Glen Waverley!
See you all on Saturday! Let’s stop making excuses and start building wealth!
For those who missed out, don’t worry—we’ll be announcing more events soon!
Shehan Tambi started the topic Free Melbourne meet up. Only 5 spots left in the forum Heads Up! 6 days ago
Hi everyone!
Lisa and I are hosting a live event this Saturday, March 15th, 2025, at the IBIS Hotel in Glen Waverley!
At this in-person Real Estate Round Table, our theme is: “Stop Making Excuses—Build Wealth”
We’ll break down the common reasons people hesitate to take action in real estate—whether it’s lack of time, money, confidence,…[Read more]
Shehan Tambi started the topic Free Melbourne meet up. Only 5 spots left in the forum Heads Up! 6 days ago
Hi everyone!
Lisa and I are hosting an exclusive live event this Saturday, March 15th, 2025, at the IBIS Hotel in Glen Waverley!
At this in-person Real Estate Round Table, our theme is: “Stop Making Excuses—Build Wealth”
We’ll break down the common reasons people hesitate to take action in real estate—whether it’s lack of time, money, conf…[Read more]
Shehan Tambi started the topic SOLD OUT!! Melbourne meet up with special guest – Steve McKnight in the forum General Property 8 months ago
We Are Now Fully Booked!
Well, it is official—we are booked out on the 3rd of August!
Thank you everyone for your incredible support and enthusiasm around our next Round Table Event!
If you registered and have not yet received an email confirming your registration, please email me directly immediately to secure your s…[Read more]
Shehan Tambi started the topic Melbourne meet up. Hosted by Shehan and Lisa Real Estate Round Table in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 8 months ago
Hi everyone,
I wanted to share with you all the link to the recording of “Sneak Peek Real Estate Roundtable Webinar – Income or Growth? You Choose!”
For those who couldn’t make it, and for those who would like to revisit the insights shared, I’m pleased to provide the recording of the webinar.
Remember, this is just a…[Read more]
Shehan Tambi changed their profile picture 9 months ago
Shehan Tambi started the topic Melbourne meet up. Hosted by Shehan and Lisa Real Estate Round Table in the forum Heads Up! 9 months ago
Free Exclusive Workshop
Income or Growth? You Choose!
Saturday August 03rd 2024 10 am to 4 pm
Join Lisa and me at the next free real estate Round Table™ workshop with very special guests!
I’ll be diving into my latest subdivision deals, offering an in-depth tour of my process for analysing, purchasing, managing, and profiting from subd…[Read more]
Shehan Tambi replied to the topic *** Team recommendations *** in the forum Help Needed! 2 years ago
Shehan Tambi changed their profile picture 4 years ago
Shehan Tambi replied to the topic John Lindeman vs Peter Koulizos and accuracy in the forum Help Needed! 4 years ago
@albro – I have heard and watched John Lindeman in seminars and webinars but haven’t really had experience in using any of his content.
The problem I found personally was that I couldn’t really understand how his predictions worked. It is hard to make investments when you don’t understand how the process works so it is like blindly following…[Read more]
Shehan Tambi replied to the topic Joint Venture Multiple Partners Sought. in the forum Creative Investing 5 years ago
Hi mate,
What is the return ? and what is the strategy for manufacturing profit one the land is acquired?
Sounds like you are proposing a plan that just ends up in owning land is that right?
Kind Regards,
ShehanShehan Tambi replied to the topic Joint Venture Multiple Partners Sought. in the forum Creative Investing 5 years ago
Hi mate,
What is the return ? and what is the strategy for manufacturing profit one the land is acquired?
Kind Regards,
ShehanShehan Tambi‘s profile was updated 5 years ago
Shehan replied to the topic Quote for building in the forum General Property 7 years ago
cheers mate !
Shehan started the topic Quote for building in the forum General Property 7 years ago
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone knew of a website with a calculator or a good source to work out my average cost of build on a new vacant land ?
Has anyone found success in getting a couple of quotes online that was as accurate as possible?
Just want to check if there was a way to calculate it myself before approaching a builder hate to have…[Read more]
Shehan started the topic Tax on Overseas earnings in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
Hi All,
was wondering if anyone knew the tax rate for earnings from real estate investments overseas?
Would I get taxed at just the Australian residential rate or is there a separate bracket for earnings from overseas?
Any information will be greatly appreciated :)
Thank You in advance – Shehan
Shehan replied to the topic First investment property in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
Great advice thank you ! I wanted to ask though wouldn’t the abundance of land that will be released post the initial stages stunt the growth in the property?
Ideally the property grows at a steady rate for the 10 years plus and buying a house and land package to build in a new estate has a high risk of stagnating growth compared to if…[Read more]
Shehan replied to the topic Getting access to raw property data in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
I would suggest Australian Property Magazine mate or RP Data
Shehan Tambi changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Shehan replied to the topic First investment property in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
Hi Steven,
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.
The numbers you used in the example do put it into perspective – manufactured growth/equity and then repeat the process in a quicker time frame compared to waiting for growth to take place and then revaluing the property for equity release to use as a deposit. All while aiming for a…[Read more]
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