Shaw4Design replied to the topic Development on <600sqm in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 6 months ago
Sorry about that i havent been on in a few days due to work load. Yes i work in Frankston alot as i live in the area, As i said i put a fair few apps through there each month. Ive just had 3 conditional permits issued in the last weeek. I would not reccomend employing a town planner @ this early stage as any good draftsperson should know this…[Read more]
Shaw4Design replied to the topic Development on <600sqm in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 6 months ago
wealthyjvd wrote:
Thank you kindly for the advice Simon!I have been hearing generally good things with re: to the Frankston council and very few hiccups that i guess is apparent in all councils which is good to hear. The property itself is no more than 1.5 km from the CBD, and an extra 500m from the beach. Its central Frankston, so its…[Read more]Shaw4Design replied to the topic Development on <600sqm in the forum Hi Guys / Girls,
Im new here 13 years, 6 months agoHi Guys / Girls,
Im new here and was googling forums on property investing / subdivision etc and found this and have read through for a couple of days and it seems quite active with new posts etc. I thaught id comment here to give you guys some recent feedback from Frankston council. They are quite fussy and not the easiest to deal with in my…[Read more]
Shaw4Design replied to the topic Development on <600sqm in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 6 months ago
Hi Guys / Girls,Im new here and was googling forums on property investing / subdivision etc and found this and have read through for a couple of days and it seems quite active with new posts etc. I thaught id comment here to give you guys some recent feedback from Frankston council. They are quite fussy and not the easiest to deal with in my…[Read more]