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  • ShaunW replied to the topic what is your opinion of truth in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 2 months ago

    “What is truth?” – a good question – as unanswerable as “What is Quality?”

    in my opinion there are as many truths as there are thinking humans. And even within an individual human there are a multitude of truths – and they are in no way consistant with each other.

  • ShaunW replied to the topic Tongue Twisters in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 9 months ago

    How about:

    Betty Botter bought some butter
    but she said, the butters bitter,
    If I put it in my batter,
    It will make my batter bitter.
    So she bought some better butter
    that didn’t make her batter bitter.

    thats about the only one i can ream off without messing up.
    Try some of Dr.Seuess’s (sp?)

  • ShaunW replied to the topic Strange Sayings in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 10 months ago

    Re Brass Monkey Weather for Nobleone

    On old English Navy ships (back in the days of cannon and iron shot) to store the iron cannon balls and stop them from rolling around the deck, the balls had to be restrained. So a brass triangle was placed around them (picture setting up a rack of billiard balls). The triangle was called the Monkey. Now if…[Read more]

  • ShaunW replied to the topic Strange Sayings in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 10 months ago

    a saying i heard in response to a bunch of “and if”‘s
    “and if my dog sh*t beans, he’d be a greengrocer”

    I fell over laughing, but still don’t quite know what it means!

    How about
    “flopping about like a di*k in a shirtsleeve”

  • ShaunW replied to the topic Health in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago

    oops should have looked further up, ozi got it right[blush2].
    Although I disagree on your comment to leave saturated fats out of your diet. Important hormones such as Testosterone are built from Sat. fats, and test. is the best anabolic hormone a bloke could can have. Many illegal steroids’ action is to increase test. production, which can’t…[Read more]

  • ShaunW replied to the topic Health in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago

    Gatsby got it in one – nutrition / diet is indeed 99% of your results. Of course the other 99% of your results comes from habit. That is if you set up a routine to lift on Mon, Wed and Fri, make sure you follow that. Don’t miss a workout. Set your self a schedule.
    And the final 99% of your results actually comes from what you are physically…[Read more]

  • ShaunW replied to the topic Health in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 11 months ago

    Hi unannounced and all,
    try It has all you ever never knew about health, nutrition and training. It is primarily devoted to anaerobic training – big lifting, but has informative sections on a wide range of issues. Beware tho, the site is usa based, and the majority of posters are young yanks (ie the political section is chocka…[Read more]


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