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  • SharkMeat replied to the topic Structuring in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years, 1 month ago

    And now my questions…

    1. How does money get from Company B back to Company A so it can buy more things for the trust? Obviously I’ve got access to all the bank accounts, but how is it done from an accounting point of view, as these are all supposed to be separate entities?

    2. If you remove Company B, and make Company T the beneficiary instead…[Read more]

  • SharkMeat replied to the topic Structuring in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years, 1 month ago

    Hello there,

    I’m glad you posted this question, as I’m having trouble working things out myself. Not the structure, but how money flows between the entities. I’m just going to start writing what I understand to be correct. If I’m wrong, please somebody jump in and correct it. Otherwise, myself, and potentially anybody who reads this, will…[Read more]

  • SharkMeat replied to the topic A few milesyet to run……….. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years, 4 months ago

    Nice post AD!

    The other problem with doing this in Qld is that after you sell 6 houses in any 12 year period, you are considered a Property Developer. Property Developers, under the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000, cannot access money paid to them under and instalment sale until the final payment. Instead, the money paid must go to a…[Read more]

  • SharkMeat replied to the topic Qld Lawyers (for Tony Barton) in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years, 4 months ago

    Couple o’ questions:

    Tony – by “contract outside the law” are you referring to the way you (as in your company) use long leases so they fall outside the scope of the Rental Tenancies Act in Victoria? Thus you can put in the contract that the tenant pays all outgoings? By your posting my understanding is that you can’t adopt a similar method in…[Read more]

  • SharkMeat replied to the topic I’ve hit a brick wall with financing… in the forum No Subject 22 years, 5 months ago

    Hey Steve,

    Aren’t you going to tell us how to arrange our company structure to get *unlimited* finance at the Masters of Property Seminar?




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