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shannon f

  • shannon f replied to the topic Mentoring Programs in the forum General Property 12 years, 2 months ago

    Results is a year long course where they equip you with lots of different spread sheets reno, development, subdivision etc. Theres also hundreds of expert presented webinar recordings on all types of strategies.
    As a result of doing this course we are actively trading property and are on track to get out of paid employment and live comfortably on…[Read more]

  • shannon f replied to the topic Mentoring Programs in the forum Hi, 12 years, 2 months ago

    We did Results Mentoring ( previously run by Steve McKnight ).  We think it was and still is the best course by far for mentoring/learning about all property investment & trading strategies in Australia and NZ. .
    Every one else that has done it would agree, i would think.
    Hope that helps…

  • shannon f replied to the topic Atlanta, Georgia in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 7 months ago

    Hi we just came back from Atlanta on a 4 day investing trip and a Holiday and ended up buying  off TRR and couldn't be happier with them and their service, all for a what we consided a small fee and no hassle. We did lots of desk research were going to do it all on our own but when we got over there and met them (for about 6hours in total) the…[Read more]

  • shannon f replied to the topic 0 to 130 – Fact or Fiction. Is this something we all can do? in the forum General Property 13 years, 9 months ago

    Hi,  just wanted to this thread and say that anything is possible.  I can vouch for Tracey and in their attempt to be come from average family   to  finanaclly independent (decent passive income) in 3.5 years is well and truly achievable at the rate they are going. They are on track to get there in 2.5 years or less  from what i heard yesterd…[Read more]

  • shannon f replied to the topic LLC and Tax Query in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Hi james, could you let us know how you went,  and what  the structure/process was for the LLC setup, ITIN number, EIN, Bank acc, Etc…. We are going to the US in April for a holiday and to look at SFHs in Atlanta to buy without borrowing. We would like to be setup everything here first except for maybe trustworthy property managers, Real…[Read more]

shannon f

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