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  • shanes388 replied to the topic Aussie rob in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 7 months ago

    Hello, Let me see if I can clarify my trading/casino/poker machine post.All long term succesful traders have simple trading strategies that stack the odds in their favour. Casinos only offer games to punters that stack the odds in favour of the casino( successful card counters excepted). Poker machines are programmed to give back less dollars…[Read more]

  • shanes388 replied to the topic Aussie rob in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 7 months ago

    Hello. in reply to airstrike- Aussie Rob doesn't really teach trading USA stocks directly but does teach trading options on stocks as it is safer and costs less for similar potential profits. Also remember they teach forex and commodities.  Before learning to trade I only thought that you could make money if something went up in value but  I h…[Read more]

  • shanes388 replied to the topic Aussie rob in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 7 months ago

    myself and wife have been using the Aussie Rob system for 12 months ,its how we make our living. We run the trading as a business and average about a 30% return on our our capital PER MONTH, Its not a "share Trading system". You can trade forex(foreign exchange), commodity futures and US stock options. Successful trading is about trading…[Read more]


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