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  • Sez replied to the topic landlord insurance in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Depends on your state. Property insurance Plus is fantastic and are based in Melbourne – not sue which other states they have branched out to yet. Terri scheer and Aon are also pretty good in my experience. Most landlord insurance policies for a standard residential lease arrangement will cost you a little less than $300 per year.

  • Hi Joe,First question – did you sand back, properly seal and prepare the wall before using a mould / moisture resistant bathroom paint?If no to any of these questions then do a repaint – make sure everything is prepared properly, you use a seal and proper paint on the walls and ceiling. If you repaint the walls you will likely have to do the…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic Selling IP in the forum I know in VIC there has 13 years ago

    I know in VIC there has recently been an increase in "flat fee selling" perhaps look around for an agent who has a flat fee, no percentage rates, to help minimise the cost while getting a good price. Also, see if there are any independent agencies, sometimes these agencies are cheaper as they don't have to fork out for franchise fees from every…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic Rent in advance?? Is it really so tricky? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Hey guys, You can't REQUIRE a tenant to pay more than one month in advance in VIC, however, if they WANT to pay the 12 months up front there is no problem with you accepting it. If a tenant signs on to a fortnightly lease then you can still ask for a month up front (or four weeks which will be far easier to keep track of payment dates) and if they…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic We need more users on this forum… in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    I'm always reading and not always posting :)

  • Sez replied to the topic Weasel words in Real Estate!!! in the forum I must admit these make me 13 years ago

    I must admit these make me laugh a little – my recent favourite was "outdoor entertainment area which soaks up the evening sun" I'm a PM and I understand needing to advertise the properties in a way that will get people through but I tend to use a bullet point approach listing the details of the house e.g.*3 bedrooms with built in robes* master…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic What annoys you about property management? in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Just in regards to how many properties a property manager can manage (sounds like a tongue twister), this varies depending on the area you manage in. I'm based in Carrum Downs, near Frankston in VIC. In and around Frankston I think that for a property manager to do a truely excellent job they shouldn't have more than 130 properties to manage on…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic Fencing laws victoria in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    I think if you have received a notice to fence it would have to be disclosed to anybody wanting to purchase the land and as such they are going to be thinking along the lines of "ok, so I purchase for x amount and then I need to spend an additional x amount straight after settlement due to this notice to fence….." I don't know if it would need…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic Fencing laws victoria in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Good fences can only help your sale! Yes, you can get some of your own quotes but you will likely find that if action isn't taken soon one or both of the neighbours will get their solicitors involved to get the work done. I would suggest getting the fences done but perhaps have a chat to your neighbours about your concerns?Good Luck.

  • Sez replied to the topic What annoys you about property management? in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    I'm a PM and actually went through this process with clients too! I work in an area where all PM's have a bad name and I wanted to stand out from the rest and make sure I was on the right track to keeping all of my clients really, really happy with my service! Obviously communitaction is important but I think the thing it really comes down to is…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic Water Damage – Suspect Tennant Fault in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Hmm, yes, that would often point a guilty finger at the tenant, not reporting when their unit is full of water! This is one of those times you wish you were a fly on the wall….with a tape recorder! I'm sure your insurance agency and PM will be able to sort it all out for you but let us know how you go!

  • Sez replied to the topic Investment Property Burnt Down – What to do? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    As a property manager I have had the misfortune of coming across properties which have burnt down. Always after midnight and emergency services always find my mobile number to let me know…..I can't give you any answer as far as the building of the granny flat and your bank loans go, however, I can offer some assurance that in the cases I have…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic Water Damage – Suspect Tennant Fault in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    I have to agree completely with aussieguy2000 – this is why your insurance policy is there. In VIC all my tenants have a clause stating that if they accidentally cause damage then they will have to pay the insurance excess, that clause is there for situations just like this one. Let your insurance agency handle it, they are the professionals and…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic ENTRY INTO REAL ESTATE JOB..SOME DETAILS NEEDED ASAP.. in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    I did my Agents Rep at Tafe doing night courses, you will most definately benefit from the face to face time as others have said so I will also not recommend distance learning. If you have your agents rep it doesn't really matter where you got it, you will be entering the industry with your L plates on and so again, to echo everyone else make sure…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic Bond claim disagreement in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Try to negotiate some trivial amount from the bond that the tenant will agree to, it is likely if you go to VCAT it is more than what you would be awarded there. How long was the tenant in the property? I have seen this situation before with floorboards in the kitchen and bathrooms and I was able to claim some money from the bond for the kitchen…[Read more]

  • Are you able to find any direct cause for the rot? The PM should have got a plumber out there to do a written report on the cause and taken that to VCAT with them. Unfortunately it is a heavy loss but also know from now on that you can refuse ANY application. As an owner in VIC you don't have to provide any reason for rejecting the application and…[Read more]

  • Look around for a good agent! Sometimes an agent a little out of area will do a better job than the locals, you said it was a small surfing town? Local agents may feel they don't have to fight for the work if it is isolated. I am a little confused though, VCAT claim of $20,000? Max you can claim at VCAT is $10,000 anything more and it is a matter…[Read more]

  • I would have to agree that you need to speak to a couple of people to put this one together for you. I can help you with the views of a Property Manager so send me an email if you like but aside from that you would need to talk to Your accountantMortgage brokerReal Estate Sales & Property ManagementA lot of the answers to your questions will vary…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic Re-letting/New Contract fees for existing tenant in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Check the agreement for a clause about your agent not carrying out their job correctly. Firstly – You have not agreed to a new 12 month lease, therefore, they should not hold you to 5% if you terminate the agreement, also, contact Consumer Affairs (or your state equivilant if you're not in VIC) as there are strict regulations on what agents can…[Read more]

  • Sez replied to the topic Managing Agent Etiquette in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    The current agent should most definately not have started trying to find you a tenant without a signed authority, I myself will not do anything until an authority is returned. That piece of paper gives them the go ahead to do these things!!What sites are they advertising on? How are the photos, you say it is inline with other properties but is the…[Read more]

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