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  • servant replied to the topic i need reno education in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    hardware stores have heaps of info! just found out today

  • servant replied to the topic “domino theory” in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    i just read through it then. what i think it is, you buy a property, it goes up in value so you use the equity to buy another one. risk is if one falls down then you need some cash to fix it but since you’ve maxed out the loan then where are you going to get the money from?

    property 1 is fine and is renting good
    property 2 has a bad tenant and…[Read more]

  • servant replied to the topic Is property the only way to financial freedom ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    I put a few grand in colonial first state managed fund and it’s been going really good. i got my quartely statement back the day before yesterday and it has gone up another $700 (from $5,800 to $6,500). that’s a 12% increase in 1 quarter. it goes how the market goes. if the market is going good, then the fund goes good. most managed funds have an…[Read more]

  • servant replied to the topic deposits in the forum Finance 21 years ago

    ok thanks.

    how can i find a local investor group? i’ve been wanting to get involved with one but don’t know where to look. should i ask a local real estate agency?

    don’t believe the lies, find your own truth

  • servant replied to the topic Agent refused to take my bid to owner in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    you have to look at it from the owners point of view too. what would you do if your agent kept bringing you offers of $14k less of what you’re asking when you keep denying them. i’ve known ppl who have been in a similar situation and it gets very annoying.

    don’t believe the lies, find your own truth

  • servant replied to the topic any suggestions? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    why dont you invest in a property that produces some big cashflow, like $1000pw instead of $200 for example? some ideas: block of units, caravan park etc.

    don’t believe the lies, find your own truth

  • servant replied to the topic deposits in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Originally posted by Geronimo:
    The problem with saving (on a paltry 5%) and waiting years for enough deposit, is that by that time property prices may have increased again and you will have an even bigger mortgage than if you found a way into the market now.

    yea, that’s why i said i was thinking about a med-high risk/return managed fund to build…[Read more]

  • servant replied to the topic deposits in the forum Finance 21 years ago

    yes, i’ve heard about those arrangements. i think it was in 0-130 properties that i read about ppl giving money to other ppl to invest in for a return in the investment and other stuff. how do you find those type of connections? are there investor meetings?

    don’t believe the lies, find your own truth

  • servant replied to the topic deposits in the forum Finance 21 years ago

    yea i’ve sent away for an account there a couple of days ago ;)

    don’t believe the lies, find your own truth
