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  • Semsavblanc replied to the topic Uretek…anyone used it? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 9 months ago

    Just wondering about the post from Johniebgood. If Uretek are injecting a substance into the soil under the foundations of the building, how is it going to be exposed to the air and cause a wall fire? Why was there a huge hole cut in the floorboards? Everything I have read says it is like keyhole surgery (using tiny holes) and most often done…[Read more]

  • Semsavblanc replied to the topic GLADSTONE – Don’t leave it too late in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    austinvest wrote:
    The only thing to consider with Vantage is whether you are getting value for money based on comparable sales.Vantage Estates blocks are mainly smaller than other developments and have quite a few "Courtyard" blocks which are tiny.Just so long as you don't pay the full 4×2 price for the small lots.Austy

    Thanks Austy,The land is…[Read more]

  • Semsavblanc replied to the topic GLADSTONE – Don’t leave it too late in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    Magic Mark wrote:
    Well I can tell you it is happening I know…I live here. Locals have been warned for some time it was coming (like me) and are now realising they should have moved a lot faster as it's the investors from other spots around Oz that are creaming it here with great opportunity in the early days. (Still early days…but not for…[Read more]


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