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  • Profile photo of selfwealthselfwealth
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 4

    To Jaffasoft,

    This is a set of 4 units with 3 currently rented at $100 each. That's how I got the $300 – $400 per week. With $15600- $20800 rental income per year, these are definately positively geared even before depreciation. There is no way you would be paying $300 a week to cover the interest on a mortgage plus any incidental expenses. On top of that there is around $5000 in depreciation benefits in each unit. I know from my bank account that these are positively geared as I have owned them for 2 1/2 years.


    Profile photo of selfwealthselfwealth
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 4

    I have a copy of the contracts for those that are interested after receiving the detailer. Hany I'm faxing yours through now.

    Thanks for everyones interest so far, it's been a great response.  I am hoping to sell these units asap so the first in with a reasonable offer is likely to get the deal. Don't kick yourself later for missing this rare opportunity.

    Sometimes divorce is bliss (like in may case), thanks for everyones kind words.

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