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  • searcher replied to the topic A Bit of Encouragement in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago

    Yay someone answered.[exhappy]
    Thought no one wanted to answer as it was ‘caravan’

    Thanks Adam! Shall do what you suggested.

  • searcher replied to the topic Young investor- tell tale in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all,I just joined this forum.
    I wonder if someone could help me with my query? It’s not your usual property Q.Any way here goes.
    I am thinking of buying a caravan + fixed annex in a caravan park to rent out (that’s all I can afford)
    Is it something that I can look forward to in terms of equity like dwellings or is it a no go zone in properyt…[Read more]

  • searcher replied to the topic A Bit of Encouragement in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all,I just joined this forum.
    I wonder if someone could help me with my query? It’s not your usual property Q.Any way here goes.
    I am thinking of buying a caravan + fixed annex in a caravan park to rent out (that’s all I can afford)
    Is it something that I can look forward to in terms of equity like dwellings or is it a no go zone in properyt…[Read more]

  • searcher replied to the topic Is anyone doing it tough? in the forum General Property 18 years, 8 months ago

    Hi all,I just joined this forum.
    I wonder if someone could help me with my query? It’s not your usual property Q.Any way here goes.
    I am thinking of buying a caravan + fixed annex in a caravan park to rent out (that’s all I can afford)
    Is it something that I can look forward to in terms of equity like dwellings or is it a no go zone in properyt…[Read more]


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