seals139 replied to the topic Capital Gains Tax in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago
Yeah I lived in it for about two years, and have owned it less than six years
seals139 replied to the topic Positve Gearing? in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Not in last 12 months but as Mikey P said Kalgoorlie is way to go, i’ve seen properties for 200k rented out for $300 p/w in last 12 months.
I brought a house in kalgoorlie would have been 3 years ago got it for 82k now its rented out for $200 p/w.
Why not invest in mining towns? people are like when kalgoorlie runs out of gold everyone will move…[Read more]seals139 replied to the topic perth properties over priced in the forum General Property 18 years ago
I own a property in Kalgoorlie at the moment.(rented out to Westrac – Caterpiller)
About to start building one in Roxby Downs just waiting for accountant to sort out paper work before that goes a head.(Olympic Dam has a 5 year construction plain going a head, populaion of 4,000 will double)
3rd been looking up at Karratha.(600k houses but your…[Read more]
seals139 replied to the topic Stamp duty & Fees in the forum Finance 19 years ago