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  • Seafire replied to the topic New law stops Aussies opening kiwi bank accnt?! in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago

    Hi, Have just settled only last Friday on two purchases. Here is a broker experienced in Australians lending.
    I have sent you a private message of my fax number I would like to see a copy of that if you dont mind. I also had some fun getting insurance because one property was pre 1945 ot 35 cant remember as I type however I needed to obtain and…[Read more]

  • Seafire replied to the topic Kaitaia in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago

    Thanks for that..
    Most interesting…
    p.s. where do you dig up such good info like that..

  • Seafire replied to the topic Selling my Dunedin house in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Hi twinpeaks I have sent you a private message.

  • Seafire replied to the topic Building in NZ in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago

    Thanks Queenstowner I have sent you a pm.
    Its a challenge and its the rock in the road I am hoping to find a way around it.

  • Seafire replied to the topic NZ Insurance in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago

    ThankYou… I have made contact with Stoneman Financial Services and very Helpful and sorted out… Thank You… I may even meet my Friday settlement….fingers crossed.
