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  • APerry wrote:
    It's been settled, all economists should be fired on the spot. Scamp and Blogs are the only people worth listening to! 

    HAHA Classic! Honestly I would love to know what you guys (Blogs and Scamp) do and where you guys come from?? I have a sneaking suspicion you are the kind of people who keep coming up with excuses for not ever…[Read more]

  • blogs wrote:

    ormeau wrote:
    WOW, your a fool. I hope for the sake of the Australian public that you are not a financial planner………

    Gee you really got him there-god knows how he could ever rubute such a witty and intelligent remark as that. The way you have justified and backed up your claim has without left scamp no option but to admit…[Read more]

  • Scuba37 replied to the topic Housing boom is busting in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 8 months ago

    [Giddy up-just gets better and better!! I wonder how all these fools with massive mortages are guna survive with petrol $1.60+, interest rates 10%+ and infaltion running over 4%!! Im gunna enjoy buying some properties in a year or two!![/quote] While you "enjoy" waiting for the courage to actually buy a property over the next year or two we will…[Read more]


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