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  • Profile photo of scribzyscribzy
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 3

    There will allways be some bargains waiting to happen, even next year… I reserve my opinion to some extent due to mainly economic uncertainties such as interest rates etc etc

    But to be totally honest, getting in now is the best thing you can be doing ;)


    Profile photo of scribzyscribzy
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 3

    I just purchased my very first property which was a 2 bdr unit :)

    Got a good price because I settled in 7 days ;)

    Ahhh gotta love  terms and conditions/haggling 

    Profile photo of scribzyscribzy
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 3

    I too have just recently offered for a property in RBP, the best way to determine rent to to check either 1. in the rentals section OR 2. Go to the Local realestate agents (even windows) and do some covert operations hehe.

    Best of luck.. better be quick, the savvy investers are buying up!


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