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  • scottee replied to the topic Buy 2nd IP or pay down 1st IP loan? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago

    my initial thought was to drop the money on the loan and release your mum .. BUT quick calc means your still 8k short of that magic 80% lvr, and if your not in the position to pay that off soon then you have done no one any favours
    Sooo i would have a good look at value adding with the 20k to get to the 80% .. obviously without knowing the details…[Read more]

  • scottee replied to the topic Golf vs DIY in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 8 months ago

    meanwhile i’m playing less golf recently as i’ve found out that if you sink LOTS of cash into a development there’s not enough left for golf!!!![angry2]

    ( i’m trying to think of a good way to convince the g/f about the DIY bit…)


    Bite off as much as you can and CHEW LIKE HELL!!!

  • scottee replied to the topic Embarrasingly stupid question about making offers in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    contracts aren’t the problem as long as you have your own get out clause, best one i heard was ‘ confirmation of partner required’….

    his partner being his cat….


    Bite off as much as you can and CHEW LIKE HELL!!!

  • scottee replied to the topic Sub Dividing in Perth in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    quick post note on demolishing old houses, check thouroughly with local council as there are many in Perth being pains in the rear as of late, noteably subi, Perth & Vic Park, the latter i can attest to firsthand……. but got my way eventualy, albeit 8 months behind shedule…


    dreams are something you dont believe can happen
    goals…[Read more]


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