scott_hutch replied to the topic Stamp duty issues on lease options – VIC in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago
Thanks Jeano and Paul. I know there is always a way, its just a matter of finding the right person to help with the right paperwork…
scott_hutch replied to the topic Stamp duty issues on lease options – VIC in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago
Does anyone have knowledge or experience with Stamp Duty on Option Agreements used for renovations in Victoria?
I do renovations for a living and I'm very interested in using Option Agreements to control the property during the reno, re-assign to a future buyer once complete and have them execute the option and take ownership of the renovated…[Read more]
scott_hutch replied to the topic RP Data/PriceFinder Access in QLD in the forum The Treasure Chest 13 years ago
Nick – I’m interested in this. Can you contact me?
Scott.scott_hutch replied to the topic RP Data/PriceFinder Access in QLD in the forum The Treasure Chest 13 years ago
Renovating For Profit (Cherie Barber’s company) offer RPDATA. I used it for Victoria until recently and only stopped using it because the Victorian Government forced RP Data to censor the sale date and sale price when used by anyone who is not a licensed real estate agent. I’m currently searching for other ways to access the uncensored data.…[Read more]
scott_hutch replied to the topic Subdividing – Have I done the wrong thing? in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago
I spoke to PnP but ended up paying a local drafting company $5500 for this same service. I have found the service of the drafting company to be excellent and I also have a direct dialogue with the Town Planner they use. The draftsman runs the process, but I have also had direct meetings with the Town Planner whenever I wanted. My project and…[Read more]
scott_hutch replied to the topic Subdividing – Have I done the wrong thing? in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago
How have you found Property Subdivision Group now that a few months has passed? I’m also talking with them (Robert Lancaster) about a 2 block subdivision project in Melbourne (leave existing house on front of block, and getting Town Planning, Building approval and Subdivision permit for new house at rear).
I have found them to be…[Read more]
scott_hutch replied to the topic Multi Lets / Shared Lets / HMO – anyone with experience? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi JacM,
Thanks for the replies – some interesting links.
I came across Trish Clark ( and her company Roomfinder who specialise in renting rooms out in a house on a room-by-room basis. She posts on as Empire.
I’ve has a few email exchanges and phone calls with her, and she’s currently looking into one…[Read more]
scott_hutch replied to the topic Claiming interest on ex-PPR that is retained as an IP in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Thanks TerryW, but I don't think it works like that.England will calculate the tax due according to UK law (allowing me to claim as an expense the interest payments on the ex-PPRs market value), and then Australia will tax me AGAIN (not allowing me to claim as an expence the interest payments beyond the original loan used to purpose the…[Read more]
scott_hutch replied to the topic Loans on oversease income? in the forum Finance 17 years ago
Hi Hobe,I've just been through this myself in the last month, and this is definitely possible. However, the LTV and interest rates offered vary enormously between lenders. Do research, and you'll be fine. I suggest you find a broker who specialises in non-resident lending as they will know how to present your details in the most positive wa…[Read more]