Scott7 replied to the topic Debt servicing debt: Who uses this approach? How risky is it? etc in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 9 months ago
we use a line of credit to help our unfortunately -ve geared IP, as long as you keep it for business and don't use it for personal it works well just depends on how comfortable you are with debt and rising interest
Scott7 replied to the topic Run into financing problems, no deposit in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 9 months ago
Not sure if I can help you in the short term, but can help if you never want to be in this situation again! I feel the pain we went through a similar thing, luckily we could borrow 105% and it got us out of trouble, this was a number of years ago though.all the
Scott7 replied to the topic sole parent ,eager turn $ situation around re short and long term income/security. no income, yes equity, strategies ?choices? in the forum Cutegal
why not look at 16 years, 9 months agoCutegalwhy not look at increasing you income from home first to give you security with no risk and then venture into +ve cash flow prop, in the mean time do research about IP's and maybe a few
Scott7 replied to the topic My Predicament – Any advise would be great in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 9 months ago
Tony6I would do everything you could to build as much equity in your homes as soon as possible before you have children as this can slow down your investment dreams if you don't replace the income – We learnt from experience!CheersScott
Scott7 replied to the topic Can someone please give me ideas whether and how I can overcome these 2 obstacles to start with property investment in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 9 months ago
djacHow about working for your self to create an income and then going down the nodoc/low doc loan avenue in the future?