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  • Profile photo of scott


    First of all i dont appreciate your patronising tone!


    Scottie, it doesnt matter if you have a high income or not a tax deduction is a tax deduction

    If I only pay 14,500in tax then once i buy more than 1 property my net income is ican only claim a deduction on the tax i pay once my loss is higher than my tax payable there is no benifit only A reduction in my net cash flow!

    Now as for me saying you are making up figures.
    You are SPECULATING on future figures.(predicted capital growth)

    You want case studies here are the figures ;
    COST: $85,000
    RETURN: $190/WEEK
    VACANCY RATE:<1 week/year (over 5 years)
    MAINTAINANCE COSTS: 257/year (ave over last 5 years)

    COST: approx 70k (still under negotiation)
    RETURN: 190/week
    VACANCY RATE: <1 week /year (3 years records)
    MAINTAINANCE COSTS: 42/ year (over 3 years it does need some work)
    RATES: 1184.90/ year
    MAINT NEEDED: $10,570.00 (quoted)
    RENTAL POTENTIAL AFTER WORK: $210/week (based on similar flats close by)

    Tails you do the sums , if you know how.

    Also as i stated before my bank will finance an almost unlimited number of these properties, how many $500k plus neg geared properties do you think they would fund for me?

    You want the answer? 1(I earn approx 65k not bad for a dumb arse like myself!) thats all my income would safely fund (according to the same bank that will infinitely lend on dumps as you put it.)

    I’ve looked at ALL my options im taking the one that will mean that in 5 years (probably sooner) i wont have to work fulltime .

    Tails do your home work before you make yourself look like even more of a goose than you already do.

    You are intitled to express your views but please put some substance behind them!


    PS; do you know what infinite means (do the sums for 100 or 200 properties and see what happens)

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of scott

    I’m just starting out in this game too,
    but I’ve spent about 3 months doing my homework, and I’ve just made the first move.
    Ive put in offers on two properties both returning over 12% gross. To be more specific they are both Queenslanders converted into two units. they are low maintianance for their age and have exeptionally low vacancies over the past 5 years. they are in a regional centre of approx 65k people with an exelent infrastructure,both are returinng $190 per week. one is on the market for 90k the other 73k but it needs about 10k in maintainance (I have quotes). you do the sums these properties make good sense and banks are keen to lend on them! The bouns in this deal is that the area is predicted to have large capital gains in the near future(surronding areas are already booming!)
    these are real life examples, not pie in the sky figures, I looked at 35 properties in this city about 18 of them were well within the parameters of the 11 sec rule.
    My advice get on the net check out chamber of commerce and local gov sites and then go through real estate sites for regional centres that look strong.
    Also have alook at some of Steves products they are what got me going, especially ‘fast track’ its cheap and good .( Sorry Tails I’m not blatantly selling Steves products just stating my beliefs![8D])
    Hope I’ve helped you with this! Good luck!
    Best wishes,

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of scott

    By the way ‘Tommo1’
    HERE HERE ![8D]

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of scott

    If you want to know about scams and over pricing ,I have two friends (father and son) who went out and spent over 30k each to do a course in property investing.
    They subsequently went out and bought 4 of what they called ‘positively geared’ properties. these properties were costing them approx 100 dollars a month each per property.Icould not understand this and they later explained that they were only positive because of the depreciation on fixtues.
    Recently their family business went bust and they had to sell everything. they made absoluteyl no capital gains after agents costs etc, and over 18 months payed out over 14k on interest only loans!
    I see that as a 44k loss in 18 months, correct me if im wrong.
    Now tell me that $2,195 is a scam !
    Steve I’ii be there with bells on ! even if it only saves me $2,195 I”l be happy.

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”

    Profile photo of scott

    please correct me if my figures are wrong.
    Making an $8k loss pa per property sounds fine as long as you have the high income to make use of the tax advantages.this also maintains the assumption that you want to keep working indefinately to maintain this income. how many of these properties would the bank finance? Where would you find the deposits?
    Yes I am biased toward positive cash flow properties, for a number of reasons;
    1:they dont take away from my day to day income (they add to it)
    2:my bank will lend almost infinitely on investmens properties that return higher than 7.4% gross.(I work on 10.4%.As widely disscussed on this forum )
    3:In the off chance of a long vacancy(I would only consider properties with a good tenancy record)having a small part of my portfolio vacant is much more appealing than say 50% if I owned 2 of your high end propertes.
    4:I’m relying on documented FACTS to calculate my returns, NOT speculation based on what (at present) is a strong market. Do you really believe the figures you’ve quoted are sustainable long term, soon those properties will become unaffordable and gains in those area will flatten out .(they have already started.)ANY capital gain is a bonus to me as I do not allow for capital galns when i do my calcs.
    5:I allow a p&i loan over 25 years so that i own the property in the end.I do not calculate based on interest only to minimise the hole it makes in my pocket(and maximise my tax advantage),therefore only owning the capital gain on that property.
    Tails think about it logically it does make sense.
    And please stop bagging those who want to use this method of wealth creation , it’s not a get rich scheme, its much harder than I first thought! But now that my months of researh and long drives have started paying off it’s becomming very rewarding.
    best wishes,

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”-anon

    Profile photo of scott

    just a couple of quick questions .How many investment properties do you own, how long have you been investing and do these properties add to your net income.
    I am just about to start investing in property by purchasing 2 properties both returning around 12%.While I AM NOT purchasing them for capital gains , from my research ,I predict that there will also be significant capital growth in both properties.
    Dot, please don’t listen to every thing you read on these forum boards, do some reaserch on Steve and what he has achieved. His methods are not a get rich quick scheme ,to be honest it’s bloody hard work,but i feel that doing the extra miles will be what sets me apart from average property investors.
    Thats my two cents worth, thanks for listening.

    PS:Investing in positive cash flow property is about staying ahead of the herd. Once the herd arrives it’s very hard to buy for postive returns!

    pps: Tails how about some positive posts for a change! Your starting to get a bit depressing![:D

    “Aim for the stars and you’ll shoot the top of the telegraph pole. Aim for the top of the telegraph pole and you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!”-anon

    Profile photo of scott

    In my opinion a good tenant is a person who carries themself with self respect and pride. This sort of person will not only be proud of theirself for who they are , but also their home (rented or otherwise) and thier dealings with other people (eg landlords). Those who have no self respect (bad tenants) tend to treat others, and their property the same way.
    These are my observations anyway, how you distnguish these people when letting a property is a bit harder!
    Scott S

    Profile photo of scott

    Hi RC,
    I’m halfway through Property secrets revealed. Based on what I’ve learnt so far I’d say it’s a valuable tool for anyone interested in making money by investing in property.I to started with fast track and now I’m hooked on Steve’s philosophies. Hope this is of some help to you.


    Profile photo of scott

    Hi Leigh,
    In answer to your qwestion I feel Brisbane is at a differnt point on the boom bust cycle.
    With property becomming unaffordable in the cities of Sydney and Melbourne home buyers and investors alike have flocked to south east QLD, causing steady growth which is spreading further from the cbd.
    The -ve geared hirise market, in which I find my self employed(construction)has taken off . This is great for me, but I wouldnt touch one of these propertys with a ten foot pole as even though rental demand is high at the moment for these propertys I feel there will still be a glut of unrentable -ve geared units within 2 years.
    In the lower end especially the outer suburbs I feel that there is enourmous growth yet to be realised. This is only my opinion based on my limited research. Any input would be appreciated, also will the downturn (that I feel is comming) in the hirise market, affect the whole of the brisbane property market or will the demand for suburban houses sustain the market?
    hope Ive been of some help or will sitmulate someone who can be to guide us both.


    Profile photo of scott

    Firstly as a newcommer to this site, I have been helped and inspiered by everyone’s comments and adivce, so thank you all!
    Secondly as a ****head living in a low end ****heap, I am offended by IRELANDS comments.
    I own my own home, that I have substansial equity in, which I am looking to use to start creating my wealth. I have my reasons for being a tenant at present and treat the house with respect. I do minor repairs, garden and generally keep it in a condition where I can call it HOME. I would like to think any self respecting human being would do the same!I would also hope that I as a landlord have the ability to find such people to tenant my propertys.
    Regarding matduqua’s post ,I know that +ve cash flow propertys are about.I know a numbers of people with one, but advice on where to look would be great,as they are saying that they cannot find them any more. Hints on where to research facts about an area that I feel is about to grow would be greaty appreciated, as I’m not very web friendly, and have trouble finding my way around.
    thanks again everyone, especially Steve. Finding this site has been a godsend.

    Warmest regards,

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