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As the unit is <50m2 you will find that financing will be more difficult ie greater deposit required.
How do you know if you’ve learnt the right system for the business? Most use Console or Rest but some use a myriad of other systems.
The cost of construction material is said to increase so are running costs.
How will that play out? Anyone’s guess – depends upon how Jools dolls out the compo.Gee, do you think that you could trust the tenant?
There’s no requirement to engage a PM, just ensure that you have a lease in place and provide tax invoices etc to the business.
The end result depends on many variables including shape of the block, easements, terrain, width etc. Eg. a 3000m2 block being 15m deep will yield few blocks unless you have 200m of road frontage.
It will depend upon what is written in the LEP. As a guide take out 30% of the land for circulation space & divide by your minimum lot size.
If you sign a non-exclusive letting agreement then you only pay the successful agency. an exclusive agreement may mean that you have to pay both.
Even if there are a large number of sales there is always the risk that the median has been
skewed by new developments dumping better than average properties into the mix.Slightly confused here. Are you saying one quote is heaps cheaper than the others but you want the others to come back & review their quotes?
What if the cheapest has given you their best price or stuffed up?
Pretty much as above – check the lease and your copy of the tenancy application/acceptance.
The selling agent & managing agent may both appear to be xyz franchise but have two different companies ie sales & property management, so less chance of recourse.
You will need to determine if this is the Board’s sewer or your drainage. There should be few issues if it is your service. what does sewer diagram indicate? Where is your boundary trap?
What sort of devt potential does one unit in isolation have ? Is he negotiating with all of the other unit owners ?
Either speak to a local real estate agent or engage a valuer.
Go out the and speak to some agents again. Don’t go for the one who says that they will get the highest price. Get the agent to cover their costs eg adverts etc on a no sale no pay basis. Give them two months exclusivity.
Firstly, just because it is a busy road does not mean it is zoned commercial.
Secondly you will need to rip out the kitchen & bathroom and install a tearoom, toileting facilities etc. upgrading power & phone
Cut and run. Consider buying in Nigeria. What more can one say? If you believe everything can be done by remote control in a country that you may never have been to or don’t understand their legal system or that lower life forms exist to rip you off, then you have to get hands on to take control of the situation. Go to Az. See the HOA meet with the new and previous pm etc. Take the time and get it sorted. Don’t faff around any longer. It is YOUR MONEY!
The joys of overseas investment purely based on sales spiel and $ not solid fundamentals and an understanding of the legal and regulatory system – it leaves you open to being ripped off.
Probably best to speak to an experienced oz/us solicitor versed in property and litigation.
That will be one of the special conditions that are added to the lease. If the tenant is acceptable, then start negotiating with the agent for a reduction of the reletting fee if the tenant vacates prior to the end of the lease – if you have to bear the risk of a disappearing tenant, then so should the agent if they are recommending them.
If an easement is not registered then it does not exist. speak to your solicitor regarding the remedies available eg: rip it out & plead ignorance, payment by neighbours to relocate, sue council for approval of losses due to inadequate control over subdivision etc.
Is the line shown on the Dial Before You Dig?Any easement should be noted on the title. who it benefits & who is burdened.
Is the line a council drain, servicing neighbours or redundant?
Can the line be moved to achieve falls without affecting the development?
You will be paying gst on 1/11 of $500k, the land being exempt under the margin scheme. ($45,455)
You will also claim back your gst paid being $40k, so a net position of gst payable of $5,455.
I can’t comment on the interest position.