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  • schawel replied to the topic Trying to rent my houses in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago

    thanks for the replies

    1. It is a great investment. It goes up about 30% every year. When I sell..i will be rewarded. Completely seperate from driving revenue from the rentals

    2. I have owned property before, but never really rented them out. Just flipped them and cashed out. THis is the first one that I’m taking the time to rent and…[Read more]

  • schawel replied to the topic investment property in Thailand in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 10 months ago

    Yes that is true. You can’t own the property there, but you can buy and sell condos. I have spent much time in Thailand, and I have learned first hand. The condo prices are also quite inflated for me..I saw one for 650,000 USD! Unreal..i decided to buy a place in Turkey can own the land!


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