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If you’re wondering I’m not with the ATO, for a research project I’m doing I would like to see how extensive people are, especially with international property holdings. As you know with shares it’s becoming easier for people to buy international shares directly, so seeing how property is faring in the 21st century.
Just checking in briefly at work so will keep it brief. Thanks for all that feedback some of you, MiniMogul etc have contributed heaps. Will read thoroughly when i have the chance.
Noted some who commented that the Property vs Shares is a recurring debate, and often the suggestion is to do a bit of both ie diversify. To freshen the debate further, I want to find out from experienced people how they have fared when they:
1) Diversified into shares (perhaps out of their circle of competence)
2) Diversifying within property
ie house, land, retail/commercial, offices, across states/countries etc
whether they would have been better overall sticking to property or have benefited from balancing up with shares.
I’m a Business Analyst for one of the largest global multinationals in the world. Lover of real estate, and ironically working in a section that deals with a lot of commercial real estate buying, selling & development, so fate has landed me a bearable salaried position while I try & grow my wealth via business & real estate opportunities.
I am getting more convinced by the day that Australia has close to the best quality-to-price value ratios for real estate in the world…I hope to buy quality cash-flow properties and never sell them, because as the world becomes smaller, the greatest property rush in Australia (& NZ) is yet to begin.