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  • scampush replied to the topic Due DIlligence help! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Sorry Steve,

    just reviewed the resources section and Buyer Beware has been revised to CD and workbook

    Ooops!! used to be an E-book!!


  • scampush replied to the topic 11 second solution?? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    come on guys!!!!!

    there are still propertys that fit the 11sec rule on the internet, expand your search, search the whole of australia for properties under $100k would be a good start[:0)]

    remember not all properties are on the net, especially the cheapies, why would the agents bother putting in too much effort for such a low commission??…[Read more]

  • scampush replied to the topic Due DIlligence help! in the forum General Property 21 years ago


    you can purchase Buyer Beware over the internet, it comes immediatley to your computer and you just have to download it.

    I found it fantastic and wished I had it before I started making offers!!!

    There is no point rushing into something without gaining some knowledge, you might end up burnt.

    Good luck in SA….


  • scampush replied to the topic Building/contents/landlord Insurance in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Huey doesn’t the lease become a continuing instead of fixed term as the tenants stayed on past the fixed time (and paid atleast once after the fixed term ended??), I don’t know if the rules differ that much by state, but the laws in nsw state that all lease conditions and rights continue with the lease after the fixed period, so why wouldn’t CGU…[Read more]

  • scampush replied to the topic The Treasurer in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi redwing,

    Not being an economist myself and finding the subject dead boring… How does the government steer people towards saving??

    If they raise interest rates the ‘deep in debt’ won’t have any money left to save (be paying off their mortgages and plastic)

    If (in NSW) they reduce stamp duty people will just buy more houses or the purchase…[Read more]

  • scampush replied to the topic Brisbane Seminar not far away! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi Castle Dreamer,

    hopefully attending the QLD seminar, was saving my pennies for the Syd one but the tickets have all been sold.

    now i’m hoping to get a QLD ticket and jump on a plane,

    Hopefully see you there


  • scampush replied to the topic Steve 0-130 in 42 Months,Cowra : 0-80 in 6 months in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    thought to myself ‘as a newbie probably should put my two cents worth in’ …

    but seriously enjoying the lively discussion between the more experienced formies.

    if the bubble is about to, or already has, burst! good for us, property is long term for me and positive geared is still positive in a slow market

    keep it up oldies ( i mean more…[Read more]

  • scampush replied to the topic managing rental yourself in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    thanks kewl dude and alan, I’ll be searching the the web tonite and ringing them tomorrow for the handbook, onto angus and robertson website now to find the australia wide rental book


  • scampush replied to the topic WA Properties and VALUES in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    thanks for the info redwing, much appreciated, I was also considering buying in Geraldton, I think I will wait and see…….

    I now have 1 (YEEHAH) property under my belt, 19 to go ………


  • scampush replied to the topic Renovation for starters in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    hey fatboy thanks for the laugh at 1220am …

  • scampush replied to the topic Are you a good mediator? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    I just have to add ……………

    Holy Crap!!

    what a drama, I read this post early this morning but wanted to re-read just to get my head around all the machinations going on …

    phew, C2 you must be finding it hard to be in the middle.

    good luck

  • scampush replied to the topic Are you a good mediator? in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    hey c2,

    i totally agree with mel, it’s time B paid up!!


  • scampush replied to the topic Hanson Free -> crash in SE QLD RE Market!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    did she get out?? i’m still at work, no news!!!!!!!


  • scampush replied to the topic Renovation for starters in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    sorry gfunk188 i say $6k is too much to spend on the seminar…

    you could study at tafe or the like for less money and become nearly qualified for that amount!!

    I don’t know much about the reno kings but having a go at it yourself on your parents place seems like a good start, some people just aren’t cut out for renovating no matter what they…[Read more]

  • scampush replied to the topic managing rental yourself in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    thanks for the feedback guys,

    melbear – i checked out that post, very informative thanks

    alan_jay – i would love to know the name of the book, and the rental pack you mentioned?? the property is in WA and the Landlords’ Advisory Service offer a pack for $235 plus fees to check tenants out on the National database.

    does your pack cover WA??

    C2…[Read more]

  • scampush replied to the topic Any people with experience buying in country WA in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi Kelvinh

    “Yeah its was in Port but the fees were a killer…”

    do you mean the agents’ fees for rental management by any chance? … or the fees for purchase/settlement?

    I’m buying in SthWest WA so can’t help with the northern region, but my sister ( who lives in Bunbury – sth of perth) agrees that rents in Port Hedland are very high -…[Read more]

  • scampush replied to the topic Tuesday 04th November 2003 in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    What is the new rate xyzzy??

    kinda busy at work to look it up but can still check this site…


  • scampush replied to the topic Can you have a go at this one….. in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi Gracey,

    I’m a little bit confused with the numbers, you say the tenant will pay the mortgage plus $80 extra.

    I did the sums $230,000 6.57%Int 25yr is $359 per week repayment.

    If you can get someone to pay this plus $80p/w = $439p/w……… well go for it.

    Is this what you meant??
    How do you get someone to pay that much??
    I live in Sydney,…[Read more]

  • scampush replied to the topic managing rental yourself in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    just to add to my last post, i’ll be charging $100 p/w rent, so roughly $970 for the year which is roughly 20%!!


    Has anyone else use the Landlords’ Advisory Service (only for WA) before?? I’m a little bit concerned with forking out $200+ for their kit without any feedback…..

  • scampush replied to the topic managing rental yourself in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    thanks for the feedback Westan,

    I don’t have the figures in front of me but (roughly) here goes – flat 9% management fee
    $33 every inspection (usually every 3mths)
    $39 initial inspection (start of lease)
    $39 bond inspection (end of lease)
    $8 monthly account keeping, filing, phone calls etc
    Leases usually only run for 6mths and one week rent…[Read more]

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