Send a friend to bid for you if they know you. And cancel yourself out at the agent, tell them you found something better. That usually pisses them off and scares the shit out of sellers when they hear 'well, the buyer dropped out, we're back at zero again'
I've been saying Iran war is unavoidable since February. By the way, fuel prices in holland are already 3$ per litre.Saying fuel prices won't reach 2$ or higher is bollocks : They will. I must admit, 8$ is the doom scenario that even I ( Mr. Doom&Gloom ) find a bit on the high side. I think in the years to come fuel will come to about 4$ per litre…[Read more]
Yes, it will fall further. What you have seen until now is merely the start. The correction is coming from September 2009 and onwards. ( due to all the mortgages resetting from 6% to 10% interest rates, which will drown 900.000 people almost instantly )
Don't invest in property. Stay out of it, don't commit suicide financially. That's the only thing you need to know : Property is something to stay away from, just like shares.Buy gold or save money on the bank, whichever you like, but do NOT buy shares or property.
Devo : It sounds harsh but it seems like some people have a thick skull. Their wrong choice was ALREADY made. They are in deep shit already, they have no clue how deep they are in. They should be panicking and SELLING their mistake before they get foreclosed on and go bankrupt. If they lose their car, their mobility and their ability to work, they…[Read more]
LoL… so this is how average prices are calculated : REAL house value = 200.000$spruiker value ( the profit that spruikers want to make ) = 150.000$needed sale price = 350.000$ Damn.. we need a sale price of 350.000$ to 'push up' the average houseprices. So what do we do ?.. oh man I have a genious plan !.. let's have these suckers pay 350.000$…[Read more]
Hm. At the rate inflation is going up, I am fearing that the USA chose the 'easy' way out. Like I posted earlier already, there are only two ways to solve the house price problem : – Deflate houseprices- Inflate EVERYTHING else while houseprices stay the same, so houseprices in proportion go down. The thing about lemmings is, they can regulate…[Read more]
Kaus : Well , at least you can smile and think : "I made someone else rich at my expense"The longer you keep your 'investment' property ( excuse the pun ) the more money you will lose. I'm afraid you were suckered into something you didn't understand, and you will need to pay the price for the lesson learned. At least the spruiker you bought the…[Read more]
Not paying a deposit tells the seller : "I don't really have any money"A smart seller will tell you you can buy it, but in the meantime continue to sell his house to someone else. The sale process : You pay the seller a deposit He pulls it off the market. If you don't pay a deposit, you cannot expect the seller to pull it off the market…
god of money : I think blogs was being sarcastic Everyone knows that property cannot double every 7 years. The simple reason ? Because wages don't double every 7 years, and they have a direct relationship ! It's really that simple. That said, I agree with most of what Chick says, except the fact that houseprices cannot drop quickly. The whole…[Read more]
Scamp wrote:
Sav : Every month , houseprices go down by 5% or more. Why the hell would you buy now when you can buy for half the price in 1 year ?
Another crap statement. If houses where to go down 50% in 1 year as you have stated in my area that would mean my house is worth around $150,000. It would cost more than that to build…[Read more]
L.A Aussie wrote:
Oh, I forgot; you said to buy gold.Thanks for that pearl.
You're welcome. Gold is still the safest investment in these times. I predict goldprice higher than 1100, possibly higher than 1200 by march 2009 ( write it down somewhere ). That's about 20% increase. Speak to you in January 2009 about that prediction.
Hi Behrendorff. You describe the current problem, and the reason why I say houseprices will come down. What has happened, is that society USED to take care of their children, they would work hard and leave a better future for their offspring. But the last generation has stolen their offspring's money , their wealth, by pushing houseprices up. Now,…[Read more]
Well, anywhere else the houses are overpriced. What did you expect ? To buy a penthouse in Sydney for 8.000.000 with a 50.000 wage ? I'm just telling you what your options are : Close to none. And together with you , 99% of the people looking for houses have 0 options either. So , houseprice will come down since noone can afford them. Easy enough.…[Read more]
But.. but… ANZ told us that houseprices will boom again very soon !!How is this possible ? Have they lied to us ?… oh no how can they be so evil, it's almost like ANZ will tumble over soon… oooh no poor ANZ.
Oh here's my prediction by the way, please share with ANZ's CFO and bank directors :"House prices will crash 50%, then they will stagnate for years"good luck with that.