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  • Scamp replied to the topic Interest Rates Will Fall in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    Here you go :… that the CPI be structured more like a cost-of-living index, requiring that the way it accounts for long-lived assets or durable goods be changed. This way, the CPI would capture only the cost of consuming owner-occupied housing services and not recognize the investment dimension of owning a house.

  • Scamp replied to the topic Interest Rates Will Fall in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    elkam wrote:
    "Please learn your own economics : Housing costs are not in the CPI. End of story, this is an absolute, just look it up before you post nonsense like this."Now I'm confused. 

    Like I said, Housing costs are not in the CPI. What they mean…[Read more]

  • ErikH wrote:
    Here are some interesting statistics, issued by RP Data and based on ABS statistics:First, Australian population change is bigger than ever before (incl. going all the way back to 1789) due to both peaks in net immigration and births:Population change AustraliaAdd to that that the size of the average household is projected to decline from 2.6 in 2006 to…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic Interest Rates Will Fall in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    yarpos wrote:

    Scamp wrote:

    yarpos wrote:
    CPI is driven by 90 different classifications.  housing (rents and mortgages) is just one of them  and not the single key driver of inflation.  BTW inflation isnt that high, 4 and a bit given inflated borrowing global costs and elevated fuel costs couldnt be called disaster.

    Hi Yarpos, I wasn't ta…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic property boom or not??? in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    House prices are just overpriced. That's all. People all over realize this now, they see people going bust because they overleveraged themselves : They don't want to make the same mistake. Lower houseprices are good for the whole country. Mackar : about your comments on the concessions etc. They only apply to FHB's. And those have been priced out…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic Interest Rates Will Fall in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    harb wrote:

    ummester wrote:
    Tumbarumba is still overpriced.

    How do you figure that out ? The average worker could easily afford to buy there on less then a years income. How is that overpriced ?

    Does the average worker earn 300.000 AUD$ ?The average houseprice in Tumbarumba is 300.000. Some are way over that. What do you mean, overpriced ?

  • Scamp replied to the topic property boom or not??? in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    mackar wrote:
    do the property analysts have a second agenda??

    Yes. Although some are honest. But certainly not BIS Shrapnel. Funny you mention them, because they are actually the worst of them all.

  • harb wrote:
    Is this prediction coming from the same guy who gave the last tip about 2 more rate rises before Xmas ?

    We have had 1 rate rise already, and it's still 4 months till Xmas. Plenty of time for another rate rise. Be happy if you don't see the other rate rise with current inflation levels. Then again, I guess the economic climate was…[Read more]

  • ItalianDragon wrote:

    Scamp wrote:

    ErikH wrote:
    Well… Rudd does speak fluent Mandarin, doesn't he? Back onto topic, I found the following article on housing prices quite interesting:

    Thanks , very interesting reading. It's nothing new but it's the first time banks agree…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic Interest Rates Will Fall in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    tuggerwaugh wrote:
    hey scamp…by the sounds of it as soon as interests rates do go down you will have no credibility left on here at all…you might just have to retire to that deep dark hole where you come up with all these dark predictions….good luck with that

    I never said interest rates won't go down. I said they wouldn't go down this…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic Interest Rates Will Fall in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    yarpos wrote:
    CPI is driven by 90 different classifications.  housing (rents and mortgages) is just one of them  and not the single key driver of inflation.  BTW inflation isnt that high, 4 and a bit given inflated borrowing global costs and elevated fuel costs couldnt be called disaster.

    Hi Yarpos, I wasn't talking about CPI, I was talking ab…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic property boom or not??? in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    What do you mean noone knows ? I know.I have posted all the reasons of why the housing market will crash in a thread called something similar on the Help forum U think. You can't miss it, it's got 25.000 views. If you are genuinly interested, you will read that whole post. It will take you about a weekend, but you'll be completely up to date. The…[Read more]

  • Collette Dier wrote:
    Hi I would just like some advice. I have a property which I have lived in for the past 23years. The other person who signed the deeds with me has never lived in the property or contributed anything towards the mortgage, service charges or upkeep but is now demanding half of the profits. is this legal and could he be entitled…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic property boom or not??? in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    Australia IS the worst case scenario. In every aspect. Your 'soft landing' won't happen. It's too late for that. Australia should have done something about it during last crisis… now you indeed get a TRIPLE whammy. But not one of the good kind. Crystal ball isn't needed, just do maths, add up the sums, and you get a HUGE negative number that…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic Interest Rates Will Fall in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    do you know WHY inflation is so high ?It's all the money that Australia printed to finance overpriced houseprices.The houses are overpriced, THAT is the inflation you guys experience. Lower houseprices = lower inflation = lower interest rates. Not the other way around.

  • Scamp replied to the topic property boom or not??? in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago


    devo76 wrote:
    But we do have all the ingredients for one. Low supply

    Wrong. 900.000 empty houses on the market. That doesn't even include the amount of land for sale.

    devo76 wrote:
    high demand

    Wrong again. Poms ( the biggest migrators ) can't sell their houses, they will stay in UK. The upcoming recession will also take demand away.…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic Interest Rates Will Fall in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    ummester wrote:
    Here is an article on the (almost) 900000 empty houses. they have mostly been purchased for capital gains (over the past 5 years) but as that is no longer a reality will all find there way back to either the rental market or for sale soon. In some rare…[Read more]

  • Scamp replied to the topic Interest Rates Will Fall in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    devo76 wrote:
    Well they sure as <a href="mailto:s#@t“>s##t didnt go up either.

    I never said they would go up. I just was the ONLY one who said "RBA will *NOT* lower the rates this month"That being said, I think that the best thing RBA can do now is RAISE the interest rates. The RBA will most probably let the interest rates stay put for a while…[Read more]

  • Ah yes, the rental prices would go up was the excuse many investors use on this forum. After which I said no they won't because people who can't sell their house will put it up for rent instead ?… This would actually drive rental prices AND house prices down ? here you go…[Read more]

  • ErikH wrote:
    Well… Rudd does speak fluent Mandarin, doesn't he? Back onto topic, I found the following article on housing prices quite interesting:

    Thanks , very interesting reading. It's nothing new but it's the first time banks agree that the housing market is overvalued. I…[Read more]

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