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  • sandrat101 replied to the topic Road to nowhere? in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Thank you for your comments Shangrila00 and Christian B.Shangrila00,A great idea suggested by Christian B is to meet with council.  We basically sat down with council and said tell us what we need to do to get it approved.  They responded with general ideas eg. comply with section… but that was not specific enough for me and when we made the ch…[Read more]

  • sandrat101 replied to the topic Road to nowhere? in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    We had the same issue with our council.  We ended up complying and still got refused.  The heartache, the years etc. is draining.  We only just got ours approved but I know what you mean about one standard for one property and another standard for another proerty with council.  I found ringing every week and having a one person contact in cou…[Read more]

  • sandrat101 replied to the topic Duplex feasability, cost and risk in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hi Richarc,Your situation sounds exactly like ours regarding the duplex etc.  We have only just had our plans approved through council and are also looking to build soon with my brother and father.  One word of advice is to make sure you comply 100% with councils guidelines relating to floor space ratio / maintaining privacy for neighbours etc. a…[Read more]
