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  • SamSarah replied to the topic Investing in Mackay in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Shahin,

     We are currently living in a mining town where we have our accommodation provided for us and therefore no outgoings. We are exploring all options at the moment but are currently favouring the idea of buying a property to rent out, however I am not an expert as to how CGT works etc. But would welcome any advice.



  • SamSarah replied to the topic Investing in Mackay in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 4 months ago

    Hi there Dubstep,

    Yes I have been reading through several posts on here and all have been helpful. 
    Just out of interest, what type of property is in the most demand? 3 bed, 4 bed? Any idea's?



  • SamSarah replied to the topic Investing in Mackay in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 4 months ago

    Hi everyone,

    I am looking to invest in my first property in Australia and have had my eye on the Mackay area. Mainly as I am currently living in a remote area in the NT in a mining town and like the idea of eventually moving to the Mackay region.

    I am looking to buy an investment property to rent out for a few years and have noticed through…[Read more]

  • SamSarah replied to the topic Anyone looking to or recently purchased in Mackay QLND? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 4 months ago

    Hi All,

    My partner and I are looking to buy an investment property in Mackay and would like to hear about the best aréa's to buy in. We are looking to buy early part of next year and any info and tips on Mackay would be greatly appreciated.

    I have heard that rental properties are hard to come by and therefore what type of properties would be the…[Read more]


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