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  • samnash replied to the topic sell rental and pay out own home loan? in the forum Finance 18 years, 10 months ago

    all good stuff to chew on, thanks guys.

    I need to assess my habitual distrust of any investment outside of property..

    To go to the effort of combining 1-3% at best actual dividend cash income received only twice a year with franking credits and negative gearing claims to service the loan isn’t my cup of tea. if the loan is repayed in arrears,…[Read more]

  • samnash replied to the topic sell rental and pay out own home loan? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 10 months ago

    it raises a good point , the ATO gets you no matter what.

    CGT is going to 25k in this case [sale-loan /2 x 47%].

    So while there is sufficient cash to pay out my PPOR after fee’s+cgt, to save 25K of future interest, i’m really just giving it to them now in CGT .

    I suppose i would also save the tax applied to the cash that would service the PPOR…[Read more]


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