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  • SamBoy replied to the topic Swap Cherie Barber for George Fokas in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 10 years ago

    Im happy to buy it for the right price?

  • SamBoy started the topic Michael matusik sessions in the forum Heads Up! 10 years ago

    Hey everyone.
    Anyone been to michael matusik”s sessions?
    I read his emails but they are mainly based on the qld market though.
    Any experience with is very appreciated!!!

  • SamBoy started the topic Haggling tradies? in the forum Value Adding 10 years ago

    Whats the best way to haggle tradies?
    I know one way is to get a few quotes and compare and bargain with each one. Also to do it tax free but that might lead to problems with warranties. My other big concern is also tradies giving a cheaper quote but doing a more dodgy job that I cant see visibly.
    23 and starting out so Thanks for any advice!

  • SamBoy replied to the topic Where to buy Ip in Sydney in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago

    only strata titled properties that are gonna be positive cashflow in sydney

  • SamBoy replied to the topic Recommended Granny Flat Builders? in the forum Value Adding 10 years ago

    @Balerina – Thanks but no thanks as all backyards are different in shape.

    @Catalyst – Good points, thanks! Anything bad they mentioned about Granny Flat approvals?

    @PHP – thanks. thats why i Posted in the forums cause I couldnt find any geniune reviews of granny builders.

  • SamBoy replied to the topic Recommended Granny Flat Builders? in the forum Value Adding 10 years ago

    Also whats more in demand? 1 2 or 3 bedrooms?
    ive just bought in the campbelltown area

  • SamBoy started the topic Recommended Granny Flat Builders? in the forum Value Adding 10 years ago

    Just bought a house in Sydney and its negative cash flow :(. (yes, I went against Steve’s rule but I really do believe where ive bought will go up in value) so looking at building a granny.
    Could you or anyone recommend any good Granny Flat builders???

    They are all charging similar prices so i want good service with a solid structured home.

    Ive…[Read more]

  • sorry no experience but currently finding a property with gray flat potential. cheaper than bilding a duplex and double the income with high ROI

  • SamBoy replied to the topic Granny Flat Ongoing costs? in the forum General Property 10 years ago

    Hi Catalyst

    Thanks for your advice.

    How did you avoid arguments in who paid for water usage? And to stop garbage overflowing over the bins?

    Is your granny a separate entity to the house? Is your granny in NSW btw?

  • SamBoy started the topic Furnished unit in the forum Legal & Accounting 10 years ago

    Justifying whether to furnish a one bedroom unit.
    If i furnish a unit and the tenant hurts themselves on my furniture or there is an electrical fire from the electronic goods, is landlord and building insurance going to cover it?

    Just 22 and starting out so any advice or view will be gladly taken.


  • SamBoy started the topic Granny Flat Ongoing costs? in the forum General Property 10 years ago

    What are the extra annual ongoing costs of having a granny flat at the back?

    my friend mentioned an extra $1000 for bins?
    Is there anything else?

  • SamBoy replied to the topic 50:50 strategy in capital and rent strategy? in the forum Opinionated! 10 years ago

    Any negatives to my strategy?
    my aim was to use the rental properties to provide cash to save for another house instead of using capital growth which i think is more risky in the long term gearing wise.

  • SamBoy started the topic 50:50 strategy in capital and rent strategy? in the forum Opinionated! 10 years ago

    22 and just starting out and been thinking of this.
    Is there any flaws with having 50% of your properties with decent capital growth and breakeven rental profit AND 50% of your properties with high rent yields to put in an offset account?

    Message me on FB if you want to talk more.

  • SamBoy became a registered member 10 years ago
