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  • Sam80 replied to the topic Ian Ugarte Hi Res Course in the forum Value Adding 4 years, 7 months ago

    No mate no feedback, didn’t do the course

  • Sam80 started the topic Ian Ugarte Hi Res Course in the forum Value Adding 5 years, 5 months ago

    Hey everyone,

    Just looking into the HI res course run by Ian Ugarte where he converts homes into micro apartments or builds them new. The whole concept seems great, helping with housing affordability but receiving awesome positive cashflow while keeping or increasing the properties value.
    Has anyone done his course & have any feedback on it? If…[Read more]

  • Sam80 started the topic Rethink Investing – Buyers Agents in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 3 months ago

    Just wondering if anyone had purchased property through rethink investing or had any dealings with them? Looking to buy an interstate property using their services to make sure I get a great property. They have an initial sign up fee of about $1k to view properties then they can source exactly what your after which costs around $7,600 for…[Read more]

  • Sam80 replied to the topic Advice Needed – Sell or Rent in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Thanks for all the advice guys I will take it all into consideration.


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