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  • sam2011 replied to the topic SMSF Property or Shares in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    thanks Grant.  We have 100k in super.

    the links you provided dont work…looks like ATO has changed its site and not linked pages correctly

  • sam2011 replied to the topic SMSF Property or Shares in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    insights fantastic as usual!

    One point i am still struggling with is not being able to borrow against a property in SMSF, I see this as limiting your growth opportunities.  Would you recommend buying a place, creating an offset account and putting any additional funds into that account so that it can be used to purchase another property down the…[Read more]

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Urgent issue in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    they had some loan issues which isnt a big problem because there is a 7month settlement on the contract.  they were just not advised by their lawyers properly and that is the issue.  

    the contract the lawyer wrote had no conditions such as "finance, building, pest"

    very very frustrating.

    they are now in a position where they have to go ahead…[Read more]

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Urgent issue in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Thanks guys.

    Just to throw something in the works, they were told by the realestate agent that they will just lose their deposit if they dont go ahead by the cooling off period.

    Also I read:
    "NSW law provides for a cooling off period in contracts for the sale of residential property (fewer than 2.5 hectares) of five working days.  The cooling…[Read more]

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Urgent issue in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    what do you mean exactly with "trouble"

    they have gone 1 day over.

    unfortunately I was not around to take them through the proper process and deal with the lawyers

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Loans Research in Au in the forum Finance 12 years ago

    Hi Richard,

    I guess its interesting to see how much money is spent advertising for our money, and secondly just seeing how the australian market is different to the US.  While we look for longer term loans, 3, 5, or 10 year loans, global searches focus is more on the short term loans.  Specifically they are looking at 1month or 12months loans,…[Read more]

  • sam2011 replied to the topic What websites do you use to research areas? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    ive put all the sites i use on this blog

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Selling CF+ to buy neg geared in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    there is a simple rule, if you are paying more tax you are probably earning more.

    I dont know why anyone would try and sell something that everyone else is after :)

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Rezoning in Hornsby in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    thanks michael

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Properties under $300k in the forum General Property 13 years ago

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Properties under $300k in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    ive heard the talk about QLD, and with the way the market had been going over the last 3 or so years its probably reasonable to think it will have a spike. i guess similar to the share market once prices drop, its a good time to buy.

    I am not the kind of person that will listen to the news about property prices dropping by some 25% over the next…[Read more]

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Orange NSW Heritage Area in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    thanks Michael, more concerned if ill be able to develop rather than a deverloper. land is 980sq so even if i build a single story unit at the back to rent out id be happy

  • also depends on your lifestyle. i have a couple of ips i would never live in

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Regarding Granny Flats in Orange NSW in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago

    wow i cant believe i just saw your post. I have an ip in orange and was thinking about granny flats last week. I havent started my research into it yet, but have a friend who is partnering up to build granny flats…not sure what the rental income would be though. any ideas?

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Which state to buy in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    north east not so good, but i bought in glenroi which is east of the station and getting a pretty good return. general discount is about 14% mine was advertised for 190 and negotiated to around 160, and took the rent up from $150 to $210

    so really does depend on what you are after, west of the station price goes up but so does quality, though…[Read more]

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Which state to buy in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    you can definitely get a positive cash flow property if you do enough research….there are a few areas i would watch out for as they are not pleasant even though they are extremely cheap i personally wouldnt go there, and im very open minded

    have a look also at sqm research at the vacancy rates in the area and how low they have become

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Which state to buy in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    Have a property in orange which is going great, good return and the area is growing.. definitely recommend it

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Which state to buy in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    what are the rental returns in canberra, anything upwards from 7%?

  • sam2011 replied to the topic Which state to buy in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    i have always looked in the state i live in, but would love to invest in other states, just dont have the confidence…..have looked at vic, qld and sa….but i think its a very general question to ask as at the end of the day you need to drill down to suburb level.

  • sam2011 replied to the topic good area under $200k in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    hi DD can you send me your info pleasE?

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