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  • sairah replied to the topic private purchase – should I hire an agent? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks everyone, and I am grateful for your wise words, which I read out to my husband and he agreed with, however, I reluctantly admit to you all that I have signed with the agent anyway.

    Reasons for this:

    1. She has discounted her price and will do it privately as a favour for me.
    2. If I don’t get the price I want, I don’t pay, and the…[Read more]

  • sairah replied to the topic Raw figures in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 5 months ago

    Thank you Jo for the welcome and Barnsey, my comment related to my relative newness at PI, as I have noticed that most people on here seem to be starting out at a much younger age. (sigh) I wish I had started this game many years ago and it certainly hasn’t been for the lack of opportunity, just made several other big faux pas business wise over…[Read more]

  • sairah replied to the topic Raw figures in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 5 months ago

    Good question Matt, I am an oldy getting started, and it’s good to get an idea of others’ experience vs. their age. etc. Feel like I am the only newby sometimes, but everyone has been very helpful and it makes one more willing to share stuff. My answer:

    1 neg, 1 pos
    2 months 2 days

    Good luck with your ventures.[biggrin]


  • sairah replied to the topic Query on possible investment in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you all for your thoughtful replies. In answer:
    1.No, not returning from holiday, I am currently residing in the area, short term. No cleaning costs, no pooled rental.
    2. Guaranteed fixed income, no maintenance, rates, not dependant on vacancy rates, full lease back.
    3. Have equity in another property to use as finance.
    4. Income is…[Read more]

  • sairah replied to the topic Northwest Networking in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 7 months ago

    I am another who has just finished 0 – 130 and am also very excited, though not started yet. Living with my husband in Karratha, we are actually from Queensland and travel a lot for his work. I would also like to know any information that can get me started. In particular, how do you work out a weekly repayment for a P+I loan when you have the…[Read more]


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