safeashouses replied to the topic Re Directing the sewer line to build units in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago
It is the branch of the main sewer line servicing the old house currently. It cuts right across the middle of the block at an angle, so it would have to be moved to be able to utilise the block.
safeashouses replied to the topic Good Depreciation Schedule in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
I used BMT for an old house and report will pay for itself many times over.Surprised that the depreciation rates appeared to be correct also. (I am an accountant). Some QS get the rates wrong, then you just use their"cost" figure only. Ask them if they are up to date with ATO ruling 2007/3 for 2008 year. If they are not, be wary.
safeashouses replied to the topic How important is it? in the forum Creative Investing 17 years ago
Why wouldnt you? Imagine you find out one day that the tenant has run and left the kitchen on the back lawn in pieces? Its all about risk, like any insurance. Its a small cost for the piece of mind. I went with GIO as some of the policies did differ from IAG (NRMA).
safeashouses replied to the topic Building a duplex in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Just shows the different tax results you can get depending on your intention AT THE START. For example gee, imagine if someone was paying GST at full rate and then finding out you could have used the margin scheme. Speaking with my accountant's hat on, these type of things need to be worked out at THE START. Also dont let tax run your life .
safeashouses replied to the topic Brisbane Property event in the forum Heads Up! 17 years ago
What sort of cost to strata units?Does anyone know what sort of cost is involved to strata units? I have investigated, say a block of 4 residential brick units that seem to be a good price if sold separately, but need to be strata'd. Why doesnt the vendor do it? There must be a catch, so they want to sell.
safeashouses replied to the topic The next step in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Good property will make more money un the long run than the car. Remember more people will be interested in property in the future also, but those cars appeal mainly to ageing baby boomers who would have all bought their toy by now! what car is it, a walkenshaw?
safeashouses replied to the topic How does this property stack up in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Any risk of major future highway widening?Also can they be strata titled? Could increase their value much.
safeashouses replied to the topic How to track down a property’s owner? in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Thanks for that, I just thought also, wouldnt it be on the CONTRACT OF SALE!
safeashouses replied to the topic Northern nsw ??? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
How close to the coast? 10km?, 20 minute drive?Some blocks with some sand will cost upwards of $600k.
safeashouses replied to the topic Northern nsw ??? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Ah, Northen Rivers, $350,000 will only get you a unit/villa near the coast, will need to go 45 mins+ inland to get a house. Average returns are approx 5-6%. If you can find something neutral, let me know, I’ll pay you for the info!
However, suggest you stay out of that area to reduce our competition!(Hint: new Tugun bypass, Ballina bypass and…[Read more]
safeashouses replied to the topic GST on Property purchases and Sales in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Can be a very tricky area. I am investigating doing a dual occupancy. It really depends on your intention. If it is to purchase with the intention to make a profit then the ATO could well argue thats its an enterprise and therefore subject to GST. It doesnt matter which entity it is bought in.Best to get advice from an accountant you can trust…[Read more]
safeashouses replied to the topic What is Dual Occupany compared to a Strata home? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Please add a "c" to occupany!.
safeashouses replied to the topic Looking to buy in outer South Brisbane, any suggestions? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
I have researched the Woodridge/Kingston/Waterford/Logan Central areas recently. They certainly were some cheap areas a few years ago. K still has some of the cheapest houses in Brisbane. It apparently had a rough reputation, but alot of areas once did! If you wait until its nice, its too late.They are well located, close to transport,there are…[Read more]
safeashouses replied to the topic Relocated houses & BASIX in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
I asked the BASIX people about this and was told that unless $100,000 or more was going to be spent on the removal home (excluding its purchase and removal cost) then BASIX would not apply.
safeashouses replied to the topic Using Equity for Positive Cash Flow Property in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Funny how some financiers will only consider a portion of the rental income , even when the rental history (as well as good rental management) can show no vacancies in the last 4 years? Yet they will still lend to people under negative gearing (which is a loss!) on the assumption that there will be some majical capital growth!
It makres the…[Read more]
safeashouses replied to the topic Finance for flood prone properties in the forum Finance 19 years ago
Howc much of a risk is it that flood is not insured? Is it more a potential problem if a flood causes structural damage?
safeashouses replied to the topic Finance for flood prone properties in the forum Finance 19 years ago
Yes, the area is a well documented flood prone area. The agent upon quick enquiry was able to supply a copy of the Council’s documented flood information for the property. The 1/100 year flood level would enter the interior. This occurred in 1954 and 1974.However, because this is a classic flood prone area, its 1/100 year flood levels are so high…[Read more]
safeashouses replied to the topic Finance for flood prone properties in the forum Finance 19 years ago
There would be 20% deposit, but funded from other equity. Postcode is 2480. An independent valuation could be done if needed?
What relevance is size of deposit to floods?thomas
safeashouses replied to the topic Strata Title in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Apparently there are consultants/lawyers who can do a search of the body corporate’s minutes of meetings etc to see if they are being sued or they have decided to hit each owner $20k to render the building etc etc.
safe as
safeashouses replied to the topic NEED/WANT to capitalise interest to develop in the forum Finance 19 years ago
Tax is a wonderful word, I would look forward to paying capital gains tax as it means I have made a real gain and not just a “Paper’ gain that you read about in those property magazines.The tax rate isn’t 100%!
But the above numbers I am walking away from, its too risky for me as the variables can change and leave me short.Do developers usually…[Read more]
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