22 years old and loving it. Would have been good
though if I knew what I know now when I was 16 or
17. Like Budgeting and Investing.
BUT “NO REGRETS” at all.
Could be the lazy procrastinators who keep saying
bubble will burst, maybe it will keep going up
and up and up. May hit a plateau, but dont think
houses will become cheap as now 2006 onwards.
Hi all, i saw on the forum that either the older
original book or the newer reprint has some chapters
or bits n pieces missing. Is this true. ISBN of the
book is 0 731 400 771
yeah Crashy, well made point there. At least now
they have woken up after a couple of verbal wakeup
calls from the people who are close to them.
the reason the debt got so big is that, from what
i understand and know. They always didnt have a
combined salary of $105k but they did want to act
and show as if they did, hence used credit cards
and…[Read more]
Has anyone out there dealt with a specific debt
consolidation agency (for credit card debt only)
that is just being paid off as a minimum payment
as shown on the monthly statement. Appreciate the
Great to see that there are so many alternative ways
to curb and banish it. I guess you gotta know the right
people who are willing to help you out. Thanks a heaps.
Thanks, Mini. Yes I will pass on all this golden
info to them. Now I got what he meant, due to their
track record the house may go under (if missed payments).
ajawns, “mortgagee in possession auction”? I am not
sure what you mean. Thanks a tonne for the advice it is
noted and will be passed on. yeah the debt has been
accumulated over the last 7 to 8 years. You know,
buying on credit and getting lazy with repayments,
buying a car, going on O/S trip with a personal loan
not own savings etc. I guess having…[Read more]
VPA good to see you have got involved in the Real
Estate investment vehicle at such a young age.
Keep it up. Just don’t put too much pressure
on yourself, do the best you can and go with your
heart. Where you from / which uni / what doing
at uni?
Mortgage Hunter… are you related to Shaun Hunter
have a good one, all.