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  • Sach replied to the topic Pos geared property near Canberra. in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    I am a 2 month old Melbourne-er… I used to live
    in Sydney for 7 months before that (upper north
    suburbs) and before that 3 years in the Gold
    Coast. Came to Melb due to cheap living and
    to further my COMEDY / Entertainment career.
    What you do for a career?

  • Sach replied to the topic my news of the day….!!! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    I figured out why you use a MAC. you are a Music
    and Multimedia person. Saw your website. yeah
    personally i am a huge IBM compatible fan.
    with the flexibility of it and all. Are you a
    singer / songwriter / producer etc?

  • Sach replied to the topic What are BEST Mobile phone RATES for heavy users in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Marco, yeah at the moment i am with
    Virgin Mobile (Pre paid) and they have good
    rates plus they give away free credits. I
    paid only $29 for the SIM and already got
    extra $75 in call credit within 4 weeks of
    signing on. They have special promotions.
    I was just wondering if there are better
    deals out there for mobiles.

  • Sach replied to the topic Pos geared property near Canberra. in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Canberra they think is not going to boom that
    much as majority of workers there are Government
    workers and Political based. Where as in Syd,
    Melb, Coast is it different. Kavita where you
    from…. Lighting Ridge?

  • Sach replied to the topic addiction in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago

    Very True, rahter it just keeps you in suspense
    with all the knowledge and contribution of others.

  • Sach replied to the topic acronyms and abbreviations in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    DSAI – Dont Sign Anything Immediatly
    DSI – Dont Sign Immediatly
    MLI – Mortgage Lensders Insurance
    PAO – Private Auction(s) Only
    PVO – Private Vendor(s) Only

  • Sach replied to the topic my news of the day….!!! in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago

    Interesting… try and ask around some of the
    IT professionals that are in here. They may
    know. Just post a new topic in regard to this
    as maybe others also are facing the same problem
    if propertyinvesting -dot- com is the reason.

    Everyone in these forums seem to know each other
    very well, with face to face visits / meetings
    etc. Good to see.

  • Sach replied to the topic Population Growth Figures for QLD in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Where abouts in QLD do you live? I used to be on
    the Gold Coast from 2000 to 2002 and when I just
    moved there houses were so cheap to buy, but as
    I was leaving the house prices had added in growth
    by approx 50%+ (Area not that close to beach –
    Southport, Narang, Robina)

    early 2000 – avg house $125,000
    endof 2002 – avg house $190,000

  • Sach replied to the topic my news of the day….!!! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    MiniMogul… the reason your email is sending
    the pif and scr files to others is that it runs
    a tracer program thru the C coding/debugging
    from which your email program is based on, even
    though you have a Mac. In then transfers over to
    Windows PC machines. Hope this helps.

  • Sach replied to the topic Residex Report in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    There is quite a difference between the 2002
    and 2003 reports, because usuallu there may
    have been trends happening in the areas /
    suburbs that may have affected annual growth
    in the negative or positive direction. I
    know this is true for the Melbourne Residex
    Annual Reports.

  • Sach replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago

    G’Day all, Great to see a variety of different
    professionals in the forum. Although I saw a
    lot of IT people.

    Well, myself I am a comedian and am looking to
    set up my own comedy company and then get
    into property.

    I am reading up on it now for the last 1
    or so years. But currently do not have
    the right finances in the pocket.


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