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  • sabina replied to the topic Cashflow Club in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago

    Hi all
    thank you for your enquiries.
    Yes we do have 202 games as well.202 is different to 101.It is much harder and more fun to play,because players can do deals with each other and the cards are just different.
    With 101 game the point is not to land on the market card the point is in opportunities(small deals,big deals).This game is better played…[Read more]

  • sabina replied to the topic Cashflow Club in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago

    I appreciate your opinion.
    I find it hard to belive that any ADULT would think that a game can reflect the real world.This game is mostly targeted at shifting people’s minds about investing(and just having fun),not teaching them how to do it,especially in Australian market(game based on the US market).And in regards to the cost of the game,we…[Read more]


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