RyanJD replied to the topic Legislation changes for rental properties in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
If you signed on or after 1st July you need to use Form 1AA in the link below. If before use the original lease.
RyanJD replied to the topic offset question in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Yep I know my bank use to offer family offset accounts many years ago. Don't know of any that do it now.
RyanJD replied to the topic Property Article – How to make a fortune in the forum Forum Frolic 12 years ago
Articles like this are on the news websites every week but this was one of the funniest. Problem is a lot of people would take this as good advice.
RyanJD replied to the topic Bank Account Fees Tax Deductable? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply Terry!
RyanJD replied to the topic New Site: What do you think? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
I still find it very annoying the left and right of the webpage are blank. it's like it's centered on 50% width and it makes me have to scroll down the page sooo much.
RyanJD replied to the topic depreciation schedules in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Some don't visit the investment property and these are usually the cheapest they get you to provide the information.
Ask for a discount for 2
Also these SHOULD be tax deductable
RyanJD replied to the topic Changing your Signature in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
With the hundreds of times I've signed my name I don't think one has been the same. If you change your signature I would suggest you update your bank, license cards just incase someone checked them.
RyanJD replied to the topic most affordable suburbs within 20km of a capital city CBD in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Balga and Koondoola are expensive in value for the rental return now. As these are lower value suburbs lots of people have purchased them as a owner occupier. People have noticed this and increased the sale price massively. 4×1 760sqm were going for 300-320 at the start of the year. Now a lot are in the 360-400k. I own a house in the next suburb…[Read more]
RyanJD replied to the topic Programs/Software/Applications in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
first figure out a layout without any calculations just the figures not do anything fancy just get it on the sheet. Then play around with it.
Example TAX
2012/13 Interest Insurance Repairs Improvements Cleaning Transport Water/Council Court Fee's Other
July $
August …[Read more]RyanJD replied to the topic Programs/Software/Applications in the forum I would upgrade your excel 13 years ago
I would upgrade your excel documents, I currently have an excel document i made myself which i updated bit my bit, it pretty much has every part of my life to do with money in it. Also makes it less complicated because I've added what I've needed.
Income sheet – Salary, rent & misc cash
Spending sheet – Bills, food, alcohol, health car,…[Read more]RyanJD replied to the topic First IP in Perth / Advice Needed in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
depends on the terms good and what you are personally looking for.
Higher rents, more capital gains, future potential land development etc.
Saying you can only afford between 200-400K is a big difference.
Go see a broker and see what you can borrow as online calculators dont factor is many things.This forums has a great source of info, I've…[Read more]
RyanJD replied to the topic Mortgagee in possession in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Everyone hears that these are the cheapest to buy, not always true but i have seen a few.
RyanJD replied to the topic After advice for Taking a Tenant to Court in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Well after calling the bond administrator yesterday arvo to find out where my bond money was the girl on the phone said it was waiting for approval from a manager. Well after the call i checked a few hours later and the money was deposited into my bank account.
Still waiting for the refund from the property seizure and delivery order which the…[Read more]
RyanJD replied to the topic New Site: What do you think? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Some suggestions,
The main links up the top "Home" "Profile" etc should be between the protertyinvesting.com image and the search bar. Its is just wasting space having it on a separate row.
The blue column down the side with "Welcome" "Recent Achievements" etc should be locked on the far left giving much more room for the actual thread so it'll…[Read more]
RyanJD replied to the topic Renovating Workshops in Perth in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago
Have you just looked on youtube?This is what I did and then tiled my laundry and toilet. 4 years on its still good and was cheap!I have not done the bathroom as I know it has a lot more work that needs doing but I might look into it down the track if the tenants ever leave.
RyanJD replied to the topic Mould is hurting my ears . . . in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
I went to viewing for a house for sale the weekend before last and the roof was about half that bad. Didn't want to touch anything!I wonder if a sunlight in the roof would help stop moisture building up
RyanJD replied to the topic Mould is hurting my ears . . . in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
This might be a good readhttp://www.public.health.wa.gov.au/cproot/2887/2/Mould%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf
RyanJD replied to the topic New hooks on walls in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Yeah 3M is just a brand of stick on hooks. I tend to like them better then other due to the way you can pull them off without damaging the wall. You pull downwards which puts tension on a bit of the paint at a time.Other sticky ones you pull away from the wall with can cause the paint to come with it if the paint is bad or old.
RyanJD replied to the topic Positive gearing/negative gearing in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Speak with a mortgage broker and make sure they set up the loan the best way for your needs.Eg Interest only, offset account, varriable/fixed etc
RyanJD replied to the topic New hooks on walls in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Get them to use the 3M hooks with the tape. I've used these for quite heavy paintings and they have been fine for over a year!Some of the hooks can hold 2KG+ eachOtherwise if they are really heavy paintings maybe get some proper hooks and put them in yourself for them.
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