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  • rumin replied to the topic great deal-long lease..potential troubles?help!! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Thanks everyone,
    …here’s the numbers
    purchase price 470k
    3 year lease 800p/w
    it doesn’t look terrible from the outside it looks like a nice big house.
    Iand price alone 325k 5.5km from CBD
    It’s not a motel or anything just a nice big house fit to share.
    (tenents at present 30/40ish )pension people
    The surrounding area is nice leafy residential…[Read more]

  • rumin replied to the topic great deal-long lease..potential troubles?help!! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Thanks for replying Terry,
    Yes,I am doing thread searches as we type on best insurance,public/private liability …thanks
    ??but as far as you say on ‘the owner'(whom I buy from)doing something illegal what you get for that??
    *position is 5.5kms from CBD
    *good growth I expect
    *I have crubched figs on having to either rent out rooms to…[Read more]

  • rumin replied to the topic Develop NOW or LATER – which is more profitable? in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago

    Hi ozi..,
    ,,….just another thought for you is maybe an option between 1 & 2 ….to buy and get the DA approval sorted out and done.
    then as you isn’t just land, it does have the house on to return rent…..but now you have the option to sell off the land at any stage or even find buyers and build a house with their tastes/colors…[Read more]

  • rumin replied to the topic great deal-long lease..potential troubles?help!! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    ..p.s.would love to get comment especially from Dazzling,Redwing ,Grossr,or Q007[blush2]

  • rumin replied to the topic who would be interested in this mentoring in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago

    Hi again grossrealisation,
    Yes!mee too..count me in for the Dazzling group….Hmmm[lmao]’Dazzling Investments Inc’…bit too razzamatazzy??
    Anyway…adding another 2c …
    grouping people is an each group has a senior(not age but prop count)residential specialist,commercial specialist,reno specialist
    etc,etc so each member can get the…[Read more]

  • rumin replied to the topic time is running out…CGT problem…. in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Thanks for the replies…
    an update…I decided not to go down the tree route as it would have tied up money for a long time and not offset my tax just deferred .
    My accountant made a lot of mistakes but it was my fault not to double check…(although I always thought that’s what you pay a goodone for not to have to research every rule…[Read more]

  • rumin replied to the topic GST refund for aussie expats in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Hi meilin08..,
    Would you mind breaking up the 3000 you got back…ie rental commision fees/repair quotes etc,please?
    I am situated in Tokyo and had a sale of a townhouse in Maroochydore in March 2005…plus 2IPs during that 1st july 2000 to 1st april 2005 accountant has been looking into it but it would be very helpful to see what…[Read more]

  • Thanks phefford,
    great tip…! I just PM’d a moderator and they said they’ll look into fixing the problem..
    Your tip is great ,though…will try it now..

  • rumin replied to the topic who would be interested in this mentoring in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago

    Hi grossrealisation,
    I really like the idea!There’s no learning like hands on ‘REAL’ learning…I love all the posts
    on about win/win situations and am trying to get a chapter of people living in Tokyo together so we can maybe help out with each others ips and pool info and resources.
    Thanks for the idea and if you’re going to start…[Read more]

  • Celivia ?Did you contact the moderator?The search function still isn’t working and I went to email in the tech difficulties section AND that function isn’t working either??
    I really like the search function and I think it helps newbees not ask too many Qs that have already perfect answers…I hope it’ll be up and running soon

  • Ooops sorry[blush2]…just a beginner…Did I overkill the posts?Can someone give any tips for using the search function on
    (I usually keep it to one word quiries)

  • Hi again ,BTW does anyone else find the search function even when it was working bought back unrelated and difficult to see at a glance -data??
    The search function at somersoft if great it comes back with clear,relevant threads all in perfect order everytime…
    [blink]Sorry but if the search function is to be fixed maybe it can be made much…[Read more]

  • rumin replied to the topic first post, large post in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Monopoly Man..,
    H again…sorry when I said search I meant this forum’s search function :-( BUT it’s down at the moment..However I always find that SOMERSOFT’s forums’search function is much faster and better than’s

  • rumin replied to the topic Pay off early in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Dear grossrealisation

    “3. BenJones I’ll try to answer your post I think simon is right with the account it gives you easy accessable money if you need it I wouldn’t give this advice as I don’t know you situation if you were 18 ( and you have to be to invest) I would put it in the off set account and then lend it out on the short term money market…[Read more]

  • rumin replied to the topic first post, large post in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi MM..,
    I’m just a beginner too(3IPs)..but to add my 2c
    Just an idea (as I am just about to do my first,too)
    but how about trying to do a cf+ lease option (do a search if you’re not familiar)on your current prop..that way you don’t have to sell looks better on paper to the bank,and the extra cashflow will help with next purchase.
    BUT ,if…[Read more]

  • rumin replied to the topic All RAISING RENT TIPS HERE PLEASE!!! in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago

    Hi,could someone pleeease put a bit of an idea of what was in ‘API magazine has got the lot – 50 ideas’ article…I’m overseas and can’t get a copy (or it’d cost an arm &leg)..
    was the article THAT good???


  • rumin replied to the topic Can you help? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi steve..,
    Good to see the BIGGIES wanting to know our littlies needs..Thankyou..
    I like Swampy30’s Qs:
    strategies for building wealth in this environment of rising rates and falling prices.
    Possible strategies
    – Build equity by paying more off loans
    – Let time increase the value of property
    – Carry out realistic analysis of holdings
    -…[Read more]

  • rumin replied to the topic time is running out…CGT problem…. in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    Thanks Terryw and jodieleigh for the replies..
    Why,are these 100% offset investments all agricultural?I found trees(various types)wine and truffles! Any preference?Pawlonia,sandalwood,teak?
    Also I found a few small sites on Aussie movies to invest in that have A-10 approval…
    Anything else anyone knows of?

  • rumin replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    currenly living in Tokyo,Japan(the big Mikan)

  • rumin replied to the topic good accountant in brisbane in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    I agree with TerryW…go with Bantacs ,,
    I use them,and as far as Geography goes..
    I’m in Tokyo!!
    So I’d say from Brisbane up the motorway to the Sunshine coast isn’t as far as I have to go[strum]!


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