Hi Bellasmum
I would suggest if you have friends that are investing, ask them who they use.
Also if you tell everyone here what state you are in I am sure everyone would be more than happy to share the experts that they use.
Hi Everyone
I would love to come but will be away this wednesday. Can you keep me informed of when the next one will be.
Also I started the cashflow game in Maitland, there are like minded people there too.
My email address is navstarr@cnn.net.au
Hi Leroy1
The next game will be at the same venue (Maitland District Leagues Club, upstairs in the auditorium room) on Thursday 18th Septmeber. It will be held every THIRD Thursday of every month. (It used to be every 2nd Thursday) You can contact me at rachelle.starr@avibe.com.au and I can add you to my reminder email list.
Hope to see you there!
I would definately recommend investing the money into buying the wealth guardian, not only will you learn what structure is the best, but a whole lot more! It is well worth the investment.
Hi Deauzie
I read in a book once that friends and family may not approve of what you are doing, the way around this is to not call or visit as much![]
Keep positive, find friends that encourage and empower you! And what ever you do, don’t take on board other peoples limitations and fears!
As for learning materials, try the library, they have so…[Read more]
Hi Brizza & Bluegirl
The cashflow game is Robert Kiyosaki’s creation and it teaches you the fundamentals of investing.
It is a great game to play and to meet like minded people.
You will just have to come along and see for yourselves!
If you have any more questions you can contact me at…[Read more]
Hi Judith
I have attended his 2 day seminar in July last year and I found the seminar to be really good to get a handle on your personal finances, it also gives you an overall view on different investment strategies, but if you are wanting to know more about wraps and lease options, I don’t believe that this seminar will give you everything you…[Read more]
Hi Steve
I am up to chapter 11, and so far it’s great! []
It caters for the newbie investor aswell as the advanced investor, the explanation of the positive vs negative is clear and well written. The diagrams are great too, especially when you have to explain the difference between positive & negative gearing to someone that has already taken the…[Read more]
Hi Lucky Phil
I would just make an appointment with a great accountant, explain to him what you have here in your post and see what he suggests. I think the questions will just happen when you are talking it over with him (or her for that matter!)
Hope this made sense!
Hi Hwd007
What LVR are you looking at?
If you were to go to 80% that would mean only $10k more but if you wanted to go to 90%LVR that would give you an extra $80k, but then you have added costs including mortgage insurance.
Hope this helps!
Hi Chris A
I haven’t heard of the company that you mentioned, but that may be because I live in NSW?
If you are wanting to learn about wraps I would definately recommend the wrap pack from Steve McKnight, I have just returned home from his seminar in Melbourne and heard about the pack while I was there, I am more than confident it will give you…[Read more]
Hi Everyone!
Thanks very much for all of your opinions, I guess what it comes down to is what is comfortable for you and where you are headed!
Thanks again!
Hi Whindes
Usually when you purchase a property the value will always come in at the asking price (unless it is over valued) I think you will need to proceed with the purchase then do a variation or line increase in a month or so? Maybe you can do some extra renos to the shops to increase the value even more.
I also think that valuation fee is…[Read more]
One advantage of selling and renting is that you will have access to 100% of equity. Whereas, if you purchased again you would have to leave 5% to 20% of equity in the property. Notwithstanding that fact that you would have to pay stamp duty on the new purchase.
From an investing perspective I would sell and rent.
Hi Brendon
The cashflow game is Robert Kiyosakis creation.
It is a great game that teaches you the fundamentals of investing.
Come along and find out for yourself! []
Hi there.
I’m new around these forums, and have been browsong around here for about an hour now. What a great bunch of like minded people, and what a great place for…
How did your game go… what were your observations?
Hi Steve!
Well to begin with we were of to a racing start! Then as we started to land on the opportunity cards, things started to slow down!!!! I did learn a couple of different ways of playing though, and I know that we will be definately trying the speed cashflow next time![]
Jason…[Read more]
Yes in most cases I deal with tenants directly, I look for a need and negotiate win win, I include foxtel in some deals etc to get my rent return up. In relation to agents I’m not particularily fond of them, what I’ve found is that they need incentives to concentrate on renting my properties. Generally when I do use an agent I simply…[Read more]