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  • RRIE replied to the topic Advertising for my new unit FINALLY ! in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Hi Guys,
    Just reading your letters and was wondering about my situation and if you could offer any advise.

    Living in a normal suburb, wanting to demolish house, build duplex’s for resale. Which way do I head…???


  • RRIE replied to the topic Studio Apartments (Whats the catch?) in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Just wanted to let you know, studio’s rock!!!
    I have 2 in QLD, both 27 sqm, 53K & 60K cost, renting at 180/w & 160/w.
    Yes, the banks are shy on lending but go for the smaller credit unions etc. I use Wide Bay Aust.
    Do you numbers then go surfing…like me…



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