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  • Rowester replied to the topic Sorry, but you’ve got to go in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    thanks guys.It seems as though the following applies in NSW when the tenancy agreement has expired:60 days if no reason is given30 days if the property is to be sold14 days if the tenant breaks original contract (late payment, damage to propery etc)CheersCheers, Ian

  • Rowester replied to the topic Give me my LMI back? in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago

    Hi Richard,$420k loan, of which $400k is a 3 year fixed. $20k is b.variable. Loan thru AMP, and it was LMI and not a fee. Interest rate is currently far too good to refinance (7.75). I thought by creating a buffer (equity) of around $40k, which would reduce my LVR to around 90%, might put me into a lower risk category, and hence no need for all t…[Read more]

  • Hi Neil,The company is Compass Finance. I met the director who has a large number of properties utilising the buy/renovate/hold strategy. A strategy which I have always been keen on adopting. In the short space of time that I have been dealing with them, she has come up with a lot of creative ideas on how best for me to move forward with my…[Read more]

  • thanks for the recommendations………since I posted on 8th Oct, I have been introduced to a company who seem to be well and truly on the ball.Thanks, Ian

  • Rowester replied to the topic Am I dreaming or just breaking the law? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Just to paint a clearer picture in regards to my situation……Myself, wife and 2 children share a split level property with the in-laws. Our rent is calculated at 30% of the mortgage, as this is the total area we occupy.When we move out, we will get 30% of the rise in price. So our rent at the moment is very reasonable, and there is no i…[Read more]

  • Rowester replied to the topic Am I dreaming or just breaking the law? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Hi,Thanks for the posts…….I have called the ATo to get 'official' clarification on the matter. In some cases, the ATO are happy to look at the contract, and use the date from when you have 'eclusive right to the propertry" and not the settlement date. But this is only when settlement terms are spread over a significant period of time i.e 10…[Read more]

  • Rowester replied to the topic Am I dreaming or just breaking the law? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    So even though the contract has been signed, the propoerty isn't legally mine yet? I was led to believe that, with the exception of payment, the property was legally mine. I could then use this period as being my ppr

  • Rowester replied to the topic Where do the pipes go???????? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I imagine that I am able to alter the internals of the unit with no real issues. It is the relocating of the pipes, in particular the waste pipe that I can foresee problems.The real estate agent (taken with a pinch of salt) said that a neighbour had moved the kitchen with no problems.The property has been on the market for over a year, so can…[Read more]

  • Rowester replied to the topic Help – Save $$$ or Buy in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hey Sarah,

    I’m in an identical position to yourself. 8K savings, 35K PL and earn 75K. saving approx $350 per week.

    I sought advice from various people as to how to get onto the property ladder asap.

    It seems that having a 35k PL, and 35k in savings was a stronger position to be in than paying all of your PL off before saving a deposit. Both…[Read more]
