Rowan MCcole replied to the topic How to protect PPOR from renting defacto in case of break up ? in the forum Legal & Accounting 11 years, 8 months ago
If she were to sign a document that stated that although they were living together in a relationship, they are %100 financially independent and not entitled to any capital gains on the house, would that stand up in court ? Can a lawyer draw something up like that ?
Rowan MCcole started the topic Does having a bathroom with 2 doors ( one door through to master bedroom ) add value ? in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone,
I'm currently living in my 1st house that i just bought, and doing a bit of renovations to the place with the intention to rent it out in roughly 2 years when i buy a bigger house for myself.
I'm looking for peoples opinions about the bathroom. Its got 2 doors, one to the hallway and the other to the master bedroom like an en suite.…[Read more]
Rowan MCcole replied to the topic Good time to buy USD ? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 7 months ago
Does any one beleive the outcome of the presidential elections will have impact on where the USD moves in the next year or so ? I havn't been following too closely, but ive heard reports about Ron Paul believing he can help America's debt through his foreign policy and elimination of the internal revenue service but Mitt Romney believes they…[Read more]
Rowan MCcole replied to the topic WOW Mega Property Investing Conference. Best Ever in the forum Heads Up! 13 years, 5 months ago
So you guys are saying it would be worth looking at purchasing the mega conference cds if i missed it ?
Rowan MCcole replied to the topic Tax effective way of saving for kids in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years, 5 months ago
Even without a tax file number ?