Rotorog replied to the topic Know a good accountant in Melbourne? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Thanks Uwe[gossip]Originally posted by ujacobs9964:
I am using a small company (husband & wife team, both qualified) that are really up to speed on Property and Asset Protection.
Adrian & Anita Hill Tel. 03 9812-2257.
UweRotorog replied to the topic Know a good accountant in Melbourne? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Thanks Derek
Will try them out.
Cheers [gossip]Originally posted by Derek:
Hi Rotorog,Dale Gatherum-Goss is another often used by serious investors.
derekjones1@bigpond.comProperty Investment Support Available. Ongoing and never stopping. PM welcome.
Rotorog replied to the topic Know a good accountant in Melbourne? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Thanks Pete. The cheque’s not quite in the mail yet!![gossip]Originally posted by Peter Spann:
Try Mark Walters & Co – 03 9821 0666Rotorog replied to the topic SA, any good? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Hi emc
Last month’s Australian Property Investor magazine had quite a detailed article on the SA market. In a nutshell it said it wasn’t bad in certain areas of Adelaide and the regionals, but was getting pricey in coastal areas. Not a bad read if you are interested in SA. Hope that helps.
[gossip]Rotorog replied to the topic I am sooooo confused !!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Sorry Kp. I did not intend to ridicule any one not living in a capital city. What I meant to say was trying to get +ive cash flow out in smaller areas was easier than getting them in the bigger cities. I have lived in the “country” and have nothing but admiration and praise for country folk. Please accept my apologises if you were…[Read more]
Rotorog replied to the topic Trying to help someone in dire straits… in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hi Vicgirl, Welcome to our lovely state of Victoria. Have you tried this site? Also Margaret Lomas’ book “Positive Cash Flow Property” pages 42-46 has some info on the subject. Hope that helps.[sunny]
Rotorog replied to the topic Margaret Lomas in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Thanks guys for enlightening me.[biggrin]
Originally posted by Lucifer_au:
A QS is a Quantitative Surveyor.Rgds.
Lucifer_auRotorog replied to the topic Margaret Lomas in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
So Cel
What is a QS (pardon by ignorance )and I have seen the words LOL on other posts in other forums and have often wondered what they stood for. Pardon my ignorance once again.
Cheers[worried]Originally posted by elves:
CelMy accountant told me to get a QS done, he said made his job easier and made all the right claims.
These usually do it by…[Read more]