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  • Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    thanks Tools, but we need to keep it above ground for protection

    I'll keep seeking

    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi Duckster
    Thank you for this info
    Yes, we are required to do something similar at completion, in lieu of concrete drive.
    However, this may be a possibility for the 'during' phase of construction as well

    Anyone else has any ideas for during construction if this doesnt work??


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Just a reminder that this is on tomorrow (Monday 3rd)
    While we have been swamped with enquiries, we have decided to include everyone in the offer for the dvd, and free entry for all 1st timers
    you will have to register (if you havent already) by sending an email with your details to [email protected]

    This is sure to be the biggest & best APN meeting ever so dont miss out on this one


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Just a reminder that this is on tomorrow (Monday 3rd)
    While we have been swamped with enquiries, we have decided to include everyone in the offer for the dvd, and free entry for all 1st timers
    you will have to register (if you havent already) by sending an email with your details to [email protected]

    This is sure to be the biggest & best APN meeting ever so dont miss out on this one


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi Chris
    No probs, we still have some tix available for your friends despite being overwhelmed by the response. I have already informed the centre of the need for extra chairs, so they have time to get them in from somewhere

    Please send me an email with your friends names & emails, and I will ensure they have free entry plus collect the fabulous DVD

    This is surely going to be the very best APN in the 4 years we have been running them!!


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    I bet you didnt lie as much as they did to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    A due dilligence clause is simply a timeframe for you to make a decision, without risking losing the property to another buyer. However, the vendor doesnt have to agree to it

    I use them exclusively when buying, less inclined to when selling.

    It sound to me like you are the vendor, so you have 3 choices

    1. accept the offer, yet understand that anytime in the next 14 days (make sure it is not 14 business days or you are then out to near 3 weeks) the purchaser can just walk, and take any deposit with them
    2. refuse the offer with a DD clause
    3. try to negotiate something inbetween. maybe a shorter DD time?

    I think circumstances would impact your decision. If you have other interested buyers who it is likely will offer you similar price, then tell the purchaser the reason why you wont accept the clause. if there are no other potential buyers around that price, then it may be worth the risk if they wont budge

    The type of deal may play a part too. If they are just buying a PPOR or rental, then apart from building inspection & finance, there is not a lot left to do. However if it is a potential development site, there are many things to be checked out & this takes time. I wont buy a potential development site without a DD clause

    Good luck, and I hope you get a good result for yourself


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi Corhig
    No need to email, just come along
    thanks for posting


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi Noob
    0-130 is pretty well outdated now, however 0-260 is very valid today.
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading 0-260 & gained much from it


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    RESULTS will be the best thing you could possibly do if you are serious about property investing.
    Going to your local meeting group will be the 2nd best thing (sorry about the email Kel)
    Apart from the information & access to coaches, the community is just amazing. I rarely venture to these forums now, but spend a lot of time on the RESULTS forum
    again, if you aree serious, join RESULTS today as I think it closes very soon


    oh, yes, we are still in RESULTS, so is Kel & so many from the 1st intake in 2005

    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi Reeco
    If you are serious about property investing, check the r/h/s of this page, but go to the RESULTS mentoring program tab first. It will be the best thing you ever do, it is for us. We were in the 1st intake, and will be there as long as Steve continues to run it
    Secondly, go to the $25k+ seminar
    Locally, go to your Perth meeting group with some wonderful speakers, likeminded attendees & the most amazing hosts

    contact [email protected] or [email protected] as these great people run the group.


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Crommie, I would suggest being very cautious about anyone 'sourcing' property for you. I won't say anything about Mcorp, just be very very careful
    I have been in the RESULTS program since inception & can vouch that it is an absolutely brilliant course that I cannot imagine being equaled anywhere.
    If you seriously want to kick off your REI carreer, i couldn't recommend it any more highly

    call me if you want to know a little more about it but have a look at & decide for yourself

    As I said, if you are truly serious about property, don't stuff around, get on board


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Sorry everyone
    the blueprint is just brilliant, and I am not giving it up at no price!!!!
    Marty does have a one day seminar coming up later this year in Melb & Sydney so I suggest you get yourself a ticket to that!!!


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi Hisham
    You have taken a huge step, and at your age will stand out from your peers! I believe it is a great strategy you have, however keep in mind that things do change as life goes on, so allow some flexibility. Going into business with family can have its problems, but so can going int o business with non-family, as does going it alone. Take precautions, discuss everything PRIOR to it happening & you should mitigate many of the potential problems.
    Bec & I are now full time property, after commencing a few years ago. We encourage people to consider property investing, however it is not for everybody, and it is not for some people now, but maybe it will later.
    Please keep in mind it is VERY hard work, and many fail to recognise this

    I wish you success.


    PS I found 0- 260+ Properties a really good read, and thoroughly enjoyed chapter 16

    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi Jaffasoft

    I will discuss the YouTube suggestion with the relevant parties. Not just my decision to make, but thank you for the suggestion. i got your email & will reply once discussed with all other stakeholders


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi jaffasoft (& others)

    You will find the subscription area on our site at on the right hand side, near the top. Under 'Newsletter Subscribe'


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Bec & I would just like to say thank you to everyone who attended our RENOVATION SPECIAL last night.
    WOW there were over 90 people who squeezed into the room. My apologies to anyone who couldn't grab a seat! We weren't expecting quite so many
    Today I am out searching for a room to accommodate everybody next month
    I would again like to thank our speakers last night, as I don't think they ever get enough credit for giving their time to help out

    • Phil Schibeci provided many things for us to consider in relations to the market
    • Cliff Dawson told us about some of the informative seminars his company is holding in the coming months, and offered the next one free to those attending –
    • Neil Gorman explained some very important things to consider when looking for finance for renovations
    • Dean Parker & Elise Jackson were undoubtedly the stars of the night! This couple explained how they have transformed their lives as they have transformed literally dozens of properties over the last few years, to currently control a portfolio either complete or in construction of over $8 million dollars. Their systematic approach & high work ethic has created this success, and resulted in the creation of the RENOVATION TOOLBOX.
    • Chris Bellesini for again filming the event to make it available on DVD. email [email protected] for info on the DVD special available this week only

    Thanks again to everybody for attending & I promise to try to make all the future events just as informative as last night.
    Sorry for running over time again but there was just so much to get through. Dean & Elise even had another presentation to go! I promise I will make every effort to get them down again as there is just so much more information they have gained over time


    PS Please subscribe to our newsletter at to receive our newsletter & be informed of all our activities

    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi Leila
    I am not sure if ours is the group that you are thinking of, but we commenced our group late 2005.
    We have moved homes this year to Blackburn & have some great speakers & topics in the next few months. Next meeting dates are Mondays March 19th, April 16th & May 21st
    We encourage you to subscribe to our free newsletter at to keep up to date with all our events. Also one lucky subscriber will win a fantastic Renovation Toolbox, personally signed by the brains behind the product, Dean Parker & Elise Jackson
    Further enquiries to [email protected] or 0409 642 261
    Hope to see lots of new faces on March 19th

    Troy n Bec

    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi eforce
    if you havent read Steve’s new book 0-260+ properties in 7 years then i suggest you do. it will help to provide you with some finetuning of strategy, if nothing else.
    i hope this helps a little



    You can have more than you’ve got because you can become more than you are

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    C’mon Duckster, reveal yourself, who is the real Duckster???[blush2]

    If anyone is interested in our monthly investor meetings, then please subscribe to our newsletter at We send our minutes & info from previous meetings, as well as advance warning & notification of upcoming speakers etc via email. As a bonus, 1 subscriber will win a genuine Renovation Toolbox, valued at $3650, and signed by the creator, Dean Parker. See this link for more info on the fabulous toolbox

    any further questions can be fired off to me at [email protected]

    We hope to see as many of you as possible at our next meeting on Monday evening March 19th



    You can have more than you’ve got because you can become more than you are

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

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