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Ron Burgundy

  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic No residex in WA? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    thanks redwing


  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic convincing the partner in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    thanks for help everyone.
    Im definitely not alone
    Somehow that makes it a little easier i quess.

  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic property development in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    thanks everyone for your help.
    its a bit daunting getting started but all your advise and direction is making it easier

  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic need to sell house/no land in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    thank you for your help.
    Im not actually looking in Vic or Bris but the websites and advise still opened my eyes to some possibilities.
    Is anyone aware of a similar service available in the Newcastle or the lower Hunter (NSW)
    thanks again

  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic need to sell house/no land in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    thanks for your replies.
    What about if i wanted to move it to another block of land. Is it expensive to relocate? (with all the connection fees etc.)
    Do you know the name of any such companies where i could investigate more. I havent had any luck.


  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic the right direction in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    thanks guys. both suggestions help

  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic premium return in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    thanks for your replies everyone.Is there anyone that has done a similar development that wouldnt mind me asking a few questions. Im expecting many hurdles and would like to avoid these through my due diligence if possible. i would love to talk to someone who has been there.

  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic hotel apartments in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks Steve. I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I have decided to let that one go but am still real keen to get off the mark.
    After reading your books i have become inspired to try and set a Map type goal for me and my wife.
    It sounds like in your book that most MAP participants listed “needing constant encouragement from yourself’ as a…[Read more]

  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic hotel apartments in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Steve,
    the QLD deal i was looking at looked like this-
    studio hotel apartment
    reputable older inner city Hotel
    recently refurbished.
    restaurant top floor.
    sinking fund $109K
    NOT self contained,
    leased 5*5*5*5 years
    asking price $80k
    guaranteed return $6500 annually (CPI)
    All Rates total $1100 annually.

    Most feedback i received pointed out that…[Read more]

  • Ron Burgundy replied to the topic hotel apartments in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    thanks everyone who replied.It has given me another pespective.

    Im struggling to get off the mark and my enthusiasm to get started seems to be effecting from my good judgement.

    thanks again!

Ron Burgundy