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  • rogerramjet replied to the topic New Airconditioner = Increased Rent ? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Probably depends alot on the climate of the area and the size of the house, but I don’t think I’d go the effort of installing a ducted system.

    With the few properties I have, they’re all in an area where air conditioning really is a must due to the hot summers. It doesn’t add much to the rent return but most people wont want to rent a property…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic Agent refusing offer in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Disclaimer: Below is my interpretation of the REIA & REISA codes and guidelines only. Don’t take this as gospel, but maybe use as a starting point for research if you wish to take action due to the professional conduct of such an agent.

    As smenkhare said, the agent has a fiduciary duty to disclose the offer to the…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic Lots of Positive Cash Flow property in SA in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi all,

    Just a quick post to say that I wouldn’t necessarily take the Harvey Norman rule as gospel. One of their two regional SA stores is performing pretty poorly – they sunk a bucket load of money into a new building (although is was somewhat subsidised by the local council and traders, much to the disgust of the local electrical & furniture…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic Is there still + IP in SA? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    With the 11 second solution, this SA property only needs $20p/w rental income to be a winner! (I you can get a tennant willing to pay anything to live there :)

    I think that you’ve already given it away, Fibejebe. Only two towns…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic 101 Plus Penny pinching R/E Tips in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi All,

    From my experiences, second hand has been the way to go when setting up an IP. Here’s a few purchases I’ve made to improve the appeal of my properties.

    – The Salvos shop is always good for cheap blinds and curtains. Did a whole house for $50.

    – I’ve purchased ex-rental plants. They’ve usually lived a short life in the foyer of an office…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic The right price to buy in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I’ve just shelled out a whopping $20 on a postcode sale report from and would have to say it’s the best $20 I’ve spent in a long time. Should save me thousands.

    Found out that:
    a) Most properties in the area I’m browsing are selling 20-60% less than the general advertised asking prices. I now think growth in this particular…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic today tonight- tenant damage in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    If you are in SA, have a look at – Landlords Association of South Australia. They have a tennant blacklist, however I’m not sure how useful it is as it’s only maintained by its members. Still, it’s a good service with regular newsletters and guest speakers, plus a free area on the website to advertise your property…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic Your thoughts for this area? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi folks,

    I certainly wouldn’t rule out Pirie, though you might have to hunt a bit to find a good deal in this market.

    Nice size town, population of council area is 17K so probably around 14K in the township. Facilities are good. A few major shopping districts, all the big fast food frachises have a presence.
    There is a TAFE campus but no…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic (Property Forum) in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago


    I received that in an email from richmastery today.


  • rogerramjet replied to the topic Murray Bridge,Elizabeth,Whyalla SAHTAuction Prices in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi David,

    I was sitting straight behind that blonde lady that you mentioned.

    Found the riverland prices. I didn’t go to inspect any so I’ll just give the details from the brochure. Reserve details are estimated based on comments by the auctioneer:

    33 Dridan Ave, Renmark
    3 bed timber frame home with tile roof, good location, hardwood floors,…[Read more]

  • Hi David,

    Was that you asking about the MB auction just after everything wound up? I was sitting near the back on the very right, two rows behind Bill, the buyer with the mo.

    I’ll post the riverland prices later – left them at work. From memory, they ranged from $70 to $100k


  • Hi folks,

    Yep, by maisonette, i meen the typical housing trust semi-detached houses.

    I’m not going to type out the details of the properties, but you can download the Whyalla auction brochure from (I think I’ve shared it properly, otherwise…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic 13 more +ve cashflow IP’s sold tonight…. in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi Westan & Bill,

    The guy that bought three is Bill (i think). One of my houses there joins on to one of his. He has heaps of houses there now, and as far as I know, most of them are still vacant and listed in the window of the local Elders office.

    Finally got a tenant in that house a few weeks ago. Was only vacant for four months! Must admit…[Read more]

  • Hi Westan,

    Here’s the details of the Elizabeth Auction:

    Lot 1 – 11 Hamptworth St, Elizabeth Vale
    “Thee bedroom maisonette requiring floor coverings and minor painting to bring this to a good standard, would rent well. Minimum bid $80,000” I thought it was pretty rough, floors were really dodgy. Could see daylight between the floors and skirting…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic Refinance to pay off PPOR in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi all,

    Some interesting posts here. I’m not sure how refinancing your IP’s to pay down your PPOR can be a bad thing, unless it would upset the taxman. Here’s a fictional scenario…

    I have a PPOR and owe $100k. I also own an IP which I purchased for $100k (80k loan) and is now valued at $200k. I believe that the market has…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic New thing from Residex in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Try – think they’re SA only at the moment though. They do the SMS sale/valuation details for a few dollers per request. They used to have a mobile phone simulator on their website where you could use it for free but it’s been disabled now.


  • If there’s a good reason for selling like you’ve suggested ( I know I wouldn’t want to walk around that area of town at night [B)]), then that’s fair enough.

    Just going by numbers though…
    refinance to realise your $70K gain –
    sticking to 80% LVR, giving you $56K to play with, or $14K for each of your four new purchase s which should more than…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic Another 6 +ve cashflow city houses sold tonight in the forum No Subject 21 years ago


    How is $125p/w at $24K purchase not +ve cashflow? I’d be more inclined to keep them, refinance hoping the bank will agree with the $94K esimate and use that $70K equity as deposits for a few more properties. My strategy is long term – buy, reno, rent and refinance when it appears that the market has risen enough [:P]… or just buy, hold…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic why would you rent a positive cashflow prop? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Another example:

    Some realistic numbers for regional SA. Purchase property for $40000 or rent for $100p/w.

    Low income earner might get $30p/w rent relief so real rent is $70 p/w. Bonuses of renting include free water up to 120KL/year, no maintenance costs.

    90%LVR @ 7%p/a = $254/m = %58p/w
    + ~$500p/a for Water & Water rates, sewage…[Read more]

  • rogerramjet replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule in Rural SA in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanks David,

    Will give them a call.


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